Finance Tips for Millennials


Millennials approach life very differently than generations before them. And while that’s true of every young, up-and-coming generation, finance tips for millennials have changed dramatically compared to only a few years ago because of how they want to live their lives. Sometimes they get a bad rap, but new ways of solving problems are always a good thing.

Prioritize Your Life

Saving for retirement is not the goal for many millennials. It’s way off in the future, pensions are a pipe dream of the past, and there’s disillusionment in the air about what will be waiting after 50 or 60 years of hard work. Millennials want to enjoy life now, and they like the good life. But that doesn’t mean they’re financially irresponsible. You need money to accomplish these goals, and millennials are finding alternative ways to fund a lifestyle of fun and travel.

Create Passive Income

The idea of your money making money or earning money without much effort isn’t new. That’s why investing in the stock market or real estate has always had appeal. But the reality for most people is that they pick up extra work or side hustles when they need cash. That helps, but you’re limited by your time and skills. Millennials are finding new ways to create passive income streams.

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Can You Refinance Student Loans When You’re Self-Employed?

Savings Finances Economy

Freedom, flexibility, and control are some of the biggest reasons people to choose to work for themselves. But if you’re self-employed, how does it affect approval if you want to refinance your student loans? Good question. You can do it, but it’s not always easy.

Unpredictable Income

One of the hardest things to get used to when you work for yourself is fluctuating income. It’s the perfect time to reduce your student loan payments or pay off your debt more quickly by refinancing. The problem is that it’s not always easy to find a lender who works with self-employed individuals. That’s why short-term loans are so common with entrepreneurs.

Understand the Process

Be sure you understand your loan situation. Refinancing may or may not be a good idea. Federal student loans have some unique benefits attached, like special income-driven repayment plans, so you could lose out on those by refinancing with a private lender. You should also know that many don’t work with self-employed clients.

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  1622 Hits

Investing Mistakes to Avoid

Savings Finances Economy

The key to building wealth is to follow a strategy and avoid making investment mistakes wherever you can. You may not think of yourself as rich, but putting your money to work for you is the secret to amassing the wealth and savings you’ve only dreamed about. If you can avoid these mistakes and misconceptions, you’ll be well on your way:

Not Saving Money

While investing is a surefire way to increase your wealth, it’s also vital to have a savings strategy that not only puts money aside for your investment accounts, but provides a cash flow cushion. If you consciously save a set amount each month, that means you’re on top of your expenditures and budget, and that’s a good place to be. Your goal is to avoid the stress of credit card debt while putting money away for investing at the same time.

Maintaining Social Media Status

With people constantly oversharing their latest luxury purchases and grand vacations on social media, it’s easy to want to keep up. If you develop the habit of buying certain brands, spending more than you can afford, and acting like you have more money than you actually do, it will wreak havoc on your budget and cripple your investment ability. Don’t compare your results to anyone except yourself.

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  1946 Hits

How to Organize Your Wallet

Man With a Wallet

Let’s talk about how to organize your wallet. What does yours look like? Is it bulging with receipts and scraps? Does it need a little TLC? These questions are designed to get you thinking. Your wallet is an excellent metaphor for the way you handle your personal finances and an expression of your respect for money. Let’s get down to business and get it organized, so you can take a renewed approach to the way you control and spend your cash.

Empty Your Wallet

Open up your wallet, and pull everything out. Chances are, it’s pretty dirty and filled with things you no longer need. If you need a new wallet, now’s the time to replace it with something fresh and new. As for what was inside, file any receipts you might need to save, such as medical or business expenses. Cut up any credit cards that you don’t truly need. Trash anything that’s out of date, like expired identification cards or business cards you don’t want.

Categorize Your Stuff

Next, group your items so you can find them easily. Put credit cards together, cash sorted by denomination and facing the same direction, and gift cards in one place. Medical insurance cards, business cards, library cards, and other things like that can go in a separate area so they don’t get mixed up. Create a designated place to hold business receipts to be expensed, if those are something you need to track.

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  1875 Hits

What is a CPA?

Certified Public Accountant

If you’ve heard of a CPA, you probably know it means some type of accountant. But what is a CPA, really? Why is it an important distinction from your average accountant at the office? Let’s take a look at who CPAs are and what they do.

Certified Public Accountants

CPAs, or Certified Public Accountants, are more than just traditional accountants. They exist to help businesses of all sizes grow and flourish. CPAs are knowledgeable in all aspects of business finance, so they can help with everything from analysis and financial statements, to complicated forensic accounting and tax planning. Between their education, credentials, and experience, they’re qualified to do a lot more than run reports and balance checking accounts.

CPA Requirements

It’s not easy to become a CPA. Besides a college degree in accounting, they have the real-world business and financial experience it takes to put concepts to work. In order to get a CPA certification, candidates must pass the Uniform CPA Examination, which is an exhaustive test managed by the American Institute of CPAs. Believe it or not, it’s been around since 1896! The exam includes multiple choice questions, written communication tasks, and simulations of real scenarios on a variety of subjects. Needless to say, it’s highly challenging. The average passing rate in 2015 was a little less than 50%, so it’s a grueling undertaking. The CPA exam takes a lot of preparation, along with the experience and mindset that’s needed to be able to perform in the field. The last step in becoming a CPA is to get licensed by the Boards of Accountancy for the particular geographic location.

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  1668 Hits

Pick the Right Tax Preparer

Couple With Tax Preparer

Ever-changing tax laws and confusing deductions are just two reasons why you need to pick the right tax preparer. If a professional is involved, you can feel more confident that you’re doing it right and you won’t face an audit anytime soon.

Where to Begin?

Before you just go with your friend’s accountant, consider your options and know this: you’re legally responsible for every piece of information on your tax return, no matter who completes the paperwork. You need to feel 100% comfortable with providing your personal information, financial data, and social security number.

Find a Qualified Professional

  • Certified Public Accountants - A CPA is an accounting professional who has met licensing criteria and passed a professional qualifying exam for your state. CPAs are allowed to represent you in the event of an IRS audit or other conflict. Questions to ask: Do you prepare individual returns? Do you take continuing education classes? What are your fees?
  • Tax Attorneys - If you’re in a unique situation, such as a tax dispute, audit scenario, or need a complex tax shelter, then a tax attorney is the right resource for you. However, this is an expensive option. Questions to ask: What is your specialty? How much do you charge?
  • Enrolled Agents - An EA has passed an exhaustive exam and received a license from the IRS. Although an EA is less expensive than a CPA, be certain the specialty is in the area you need. Questions to ask: What is your focus? What are your tax preparation fees?
  • Voluntary Annual Filing Season Tax Preparers - The IRS allows people to get certified for tax preparation by completing a specified curriculum. Questions to ask: What’s your experience? Do you have references? How much do you charge?
  • PTIN Holders - Some tax preparers don’t maintain a professional license or participate in the Annual Filing Season Program, but they have an active preparer tax identification number through the IRS. As long as this number is active, it’s legal for them to prepare tax returns. Questions to ask: What is your tax preparation background? How long have you been in business? What fees do you charge?

The Internet is Your Friend

Once you’ve identified a potential tax preparer, use online resources like the IRS’s website, your state’s Bar Association, and the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy to make sure your provider is listed and doesn’t have any disciplinary actions or license issues.

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  1558 Hits

Surprising Tax Deductions

Goverment Taxes Payday

It’s that time of year again - tax time! These surprising tax deductions can help reduce your taxable income and cut your bill to the IRS. If you’re savvy about your taxes, you can save money and avoid cash flow issues.

Family Expenditures

  • Health Insurance - If you’re self-employed and buy your own private health insurance, you’ve noticed the skyrocketing premiums. You can deduct up to 100% of these costs off of your total gross income, and, if your medical expenses add up to more than 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income, you can itemize those, too.
  • Sales Tax - Did you know you have the option of deducting either sales taxes or state income taxes from your federal income tax? So, if you’re lucky enough to live in a state that doesn’t have its own income tax, you can itemize sales tax as a deduction.
  • Babysitters - If your babysitter is working while you volunteer for a known charity, you can list the cost as a charitable contribution.
  • Charity - Speaking of charities, you may be able to itemize out-of-pocket expenses related to any charity work, like food and drinks served at a fundraiser, in addition to money or goods donated.
  • Education - The Lifetime Learning credit offers deductions of up to $2,000 per year on education expenses after high school. There are specific requirements based on income level, but it’s open to people of all ages.

Work-Related Expenditures

  • Social Security - If you’re self-employed, you already know you have to pay 15.3 percent of your income to the U.S. Government for social security and medicare taxes. The good news is you can deduct 7.65 percent off your income taxes, the amount typically covered by an employer.
  • Business Expenses - All business expenses, no matter how off the wall, can be deducted from your business income as long as you can document how they benefit your company. So make sure you account for every single business expense you make.
  • Teaching Expenses - It’s a well-known fact that teachers spend a lot of their own money on classroom supplies. If you’re a K-12 teacher, you can deduct up to $250 from your income for expenditures on materials.
  • Job Search - Finding a job can get expensive, between the cost of printing resumes, posting on job search websites, and driving to interviews. If you lose your job and are looking for one in the same field, you can deduct any expenses over 2 percent of your adjusted gross income.

  1545 Hits

Learn the Latest Tax Scams to Avoid

Thief Robbing US Dollars

Even if you've heard about tax scams of the past, you may want to pay attention to the latest tax scams to avoid. Scammers constantly come up with brand new ways to part you and your hard-earned dollar, but just a little research can keep you from making a costly mistake. Learn the current tax scams to avoid, and spread the word!

Telephone Scams

If you receive a phone call from an angry IRS agent, what should you do? Remain calm, and be skeptical. Many scammers have found ways to manipulate caller ID services, so the call appears to come from an IRS office. They threaten the caller with arrest or deportation, adding insults and hostility for maximum emotional effect. Some scammers even use video relay services (VRS) to take advantage of the deaf and hard of hearing. This unprofessional behavior is not protocol for the IRS, and you should not give out your personal information over the phone.

Email and Malware

While there are many legitimate tax services online, it's important to do your research to avoid a scam. Here are just a few of the common online tax scams to avoid:

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  1633 Hits

Learn How to Pay Off Holiday Debt

Young Family Having Debts

The holidays are times of great joy, but what happens after the festivities are over? You may find yourself staring at your credit card bill while wondering just what happened. Luckily, it's not hard to figure out how to pay off holiday debt. We'll walk you through some of the most effective strategies to eliminate your debt, so you can start the new year with a plan for success.

Smart Budgeting

When debt is looming, it's time to budget! Nowadays, it's easier than ever to budget effectively. Of course, you can always try the tried-and-true paper and pencil method. Write out all of your monthly expenses, write out your monthly income, and look for places to cut. But, you can also try free budgeting apps to manage your money with just a click. You might find that you just need to cut luxuries like take-out or shopping trips for a few months, but you may need to make other adjustments to pay off holiday debt faster. Consider canceling some recurring monthly subscriptions to free up extra space in the budget.

The Snowball Method

Have you heard of the snowball method? This strategy was created by financial expert, Dave Ramsay, to help defeat multiple debts. First, write out all the holiday debts that you need to pay off in order from smallest to largest. This is your list of attack. Pay off your smallest debt completely, and then move onto the next one on the list. This allows you to get the manageable debts out of the way before moving onto the more intimidating sums. Combined with smart budgeting, this can be a great way to systematically pay off multiple debts.

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  1353 Hits

What is a CD, or a Certificate of Deposit?

Deposit Calculations

You've probably heard of Certificates of Deposit at your local bank, but just what is a CD? Like a savings account, CDs act as a place to store your money while earning interest. But unlike savings accounts, CDs typically have a higher interest rate. So what's the catch? You must leave your money in the CD for a set period of time. In this guide, we'll go over the benefits and drawbacks of Certificates of Deposit, so you can plan your finances wisely!

CDs vs. Savings

While most people have a simple savings account, not everyone has a Certificate of Deposit. Both are fairly simple to open, so what are the main differences between the two?

  • A CD typically has a term length of a few months to a few years. After the CD matures, you can cash out. A savings account can be stored indefinitely.
  • You can withdraw your money from your savings account whenever you'd like, but your money stays in the CD until the term length has been reached.
  • While both savings account and CDs will accrue interest over time, a CD is usually a higher-interest option.

Why Choose a Savings Account?

If you prefer to have very fluid funds, then the savings account is probably the better option. Withdraw your money from a CD prematurely, and you'll face a penalty. Savings accounts may generate far less interest, but they are much more forgiving. You can easily withdraw the money you need for an unexpected emergency, for example.

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  1539 Hits

Discover Our Top Five Financial New Year's Resolutions for 2018

Our Top Five Financial New Year's Resolutions for 2018

The start of a brand new year is a fresh start for everyone, so why not use this opportunity to get your finances in check? Take a look at our top five financial New Year's resolutions to help you find success in 2018. From setting goals to reducing debt, these small habits and simple strategies can lead to big payoffs in your life. Start planning today!

1. Create Clear Goals

Sure, everyone wants to be rich and successful - but what does that mean to you? Do you want to clear your student debts as soon as possible, or are you trying to grow your portfolio? Think about your dreams for both the short-term and long-term. Write them down in a notebook, and come up with a plan to achieve them. Maybe you want to pay off your student debt by the end of the year, or maybe you want to build your retirement account by $6,000 in the next 12 months. Setting clear goals is the first step toward success.

2. Organize Your Accounts

What kind of saver are you? Do you keep your money in one place, or is it scattered across multiple banks and accounts? It may be time to do a little financial housekeeping.

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  1288 Hits

Understand the Process: Tips for Buying a Foreclosed Home


Buying a house that’s in foreclosure sounds great, right? It can save you big money, but it’s not an easy process. These tips for buying a foreclosed home will help you understand what you’re in for.

A Different Deal

In a typical home sale, there are usually two different agents involved, with an inspection process and negotiations. Pretty standard. With a foreclosure, you only interact with one real estate agent, and because the house is bank-owned, you don’t have any real negotiating power. It’s an as-is sale, which means no inspection, and you’ll have to pay for repairs.

Get Pre-Approved

Foreclosures usually have many competing offers, so if you want to get in on the action, getting pre-approved is the first step you should take. Before you even start looking, have a lender write a letter that clearly states how much money you’re approved to borrow. There’s no time to do this when the offers start coming in.

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  1350 Hits

Realistic Last-Minute Retirement Planning Strategies

Pig Bank

If you haven’t been able to consistently save for retirement and now it’s looming closer, here are some realistic last-minute retirement planning ideas for you:

Start Saving Now

Saving when you’re young is so important because of the power of compounding interest. If you haven’t been able to consistently save 15% of your income throughout your career, then you need to save at a higher rate, starting now. Good news! The IRS allows people over age 50 to contribute more toward IRAs and 401(k)s. For the 2017 tax year, you can max out your IRA contributions at $6,500 and 401(k) contributions at $24,000. $7,000 a year more than younger workers!

Cut Your Costs

If you can make some changes to your lifestyle spending, that can have a great impact on how long your savings will last. For example: If your cost of living is $80,000 a year and you have $400,000 in the bank, then you have enough savings to last about five years. If you could slash your spending by 50%, then your savings would last you ten years. And, it would be earning interest for longer.

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  1435 Hits

Estate Planning Basics: Everyone Needs a Plan

A will

Wills and estate planning are not just for rich people. Everyone needs a strategy for what will happen to the financial assets you leave behind, no matter how much or little you have. Try these estate planning basics:

What is an Estate Plan?

The term “estate” is referring to whatever you own that has value – your home, cars, jewelry, investments, etc. When you pass away, those items will be given away, and an estate plan ensures that it happens the way you would want it to by defining what assets you have, how they’re protected, and how they’ll be distributed.


The first, and most important, document you need in your estate plan is a will, so your intentions are clearly stated regarding the disposition of your property. They’re not difficult or expensive to create. The important elements include:

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  1373 Hits

4 Life-Changing Personal Finance Tips

Light Bulb And Brain

You’ve probably gotten a lot of advice about money, and maybe you’ve even taken some of it. If you’re really ready to get control of your financial life, then it’s time to take a look at these personal finance tips:

Take a Financial Snapshot

Your first step is to take a good hard look at where you are today financially.

  • What’s your net worth? That’s the difference between what you have and what you owe.
  • How much debt do you have? Be sure you know the interest rate you’re paying on each outstanding balance. How will you pay them off?
  • Where do you want to be? It’s crucial to set goals. Put everything down on paper, with dollar amounts and what it will take to accomplish them.

Create Good Habits

Next, be sure you spend time regularly paying attention to what’s going on with your money.

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  1515 Hits

Budgeting for the Holidays Makes Everything Less Stressful

Christmas presents

Yes, you heard that correctly. Budgeting for the holidays doesn’t add stress. In fact, budgeting for these additional expenses actually makes life less stressful because you’re only spending the money you can really afford. So, how about feeling calm and peaceful in January because you made smart decisions instead of experiencing buyer’s remorse?

Where Should You Begin?

Well, first let’s talk about the fact that the holidays are supposed to be fun, and the real satisfaction comes from the act of giving something special, not from giving expensive presents. So, with that in mind, make a list of all the expenses you expect to incur during the holiday season. Try to think of everything that might come up. Your list may include:

  • Family gifts
  • Cards and postage
  • Decorations
  • Christmas tree
  • Other gifts for teachers, gift exchanges, etc.
  • Charity donations
  • Holiday meals

Set Your Limit

Next, take a hard look at the money you have available to cover all your holiday expenses, and decide on your spending limit. Be sure that you’re planning to use only money that you’ve saved up or set aside for Christmas. People often make the big mistake of spending money that’s not truly available.

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  1351 Hits

Tracking Monthly Expenses Can Lead to Significant Savings!

Piggy Bank Savings

Checking up on your finances is important, but it is only the beginning when it comes to saving money each month. It is also important to track monthly expenses so you not only see where your money is going, but where you want it to go as well. By keeping an eye on your finances, it is easier to create a budget and stick to it, which can lead to significant savings in the long run.

How Can I Get Started Tracking Monthly Expenses?

There are several easy ways to begin tracking monthly expenses.

  • Take a look at account statements - Be sure to look at all of your accounts to see where you have been spending. This will help you get a sense of your monthly cash flow. You need to see how much money is coming in and how much is going out.
  • List your expenses by category - it is a good idea to group your expenses together by category. This way, you can see what areas are causing the biggest hit to your wallet. It may also help you see where you are spending money on things you don’t really need.
  • Adopt a consistent tracking method - A budgeting app is a great way to consistently track your expenses each month. If you don’t like using apps, a simple spreadsheet will also do the trick.
  • Identify where you can make changes - Tracking monthly expenses is a great way to see what has been costing you and what areas of spending are not as bad as you may have thought. Be ready to make adjustments in spending and stick with your plan.

  1744 Hits

How to Save on Your Electric Bill

Light Bulb

Is your energy bill costing you a fortune each month? There are many ways that you can reduce your energy consumption, and in turn, lower your electric bill. If you have been wondering how to save on your electric bill, these simple steps and large investments can help you save significantly in the long run.

Reducing Energy Bills: Summer and Winter

One of the biggest causes of outrageous energy bills is heating or cooling your home. When there is a large temperature difference inside your home and outside of it, your home will lose the heat or cool air until the temperature matches the outdoors. The only ways to stop the loss of heat or cool air is to keep adding heat or cool air or insulate your home to prevent it from leaving. Here is where you can begin to look for cost-cutting options for a more affordable utility bill.

Simple Fixes

There are plenty of easy ways to cut back on your energy bills:

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  1798 Hits

How to Consolidate Debt

Young Family Having Debt

Have you wondered what it means to consolidate your debt. This helpful strategy allows you to combine several old debts into a single debt with a lower interest rate. This can lead to a shorter payoff period or make your current payments more manageable. There are several options available, so it is important to find a method that best suits your needs.

Debt Consolidation Methods

  • Balance transfer card - The benefit of this option is the 0% introductory interest rate. There are a few drawbacks, however, such as interest payments after 12-18 months, a balance transfer fee, and the need for good to excellent credit.
  • Home equity - Home equity offers a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan and you do not need good credit for this method. There are significant disadvantages with this option. If you do not pay off your debts, you could end up losing your home. Repayment terms are also lengthy, sometimes 10 years or more.
  • 401(k) loan - This type of loan is not included on your credit report. With this method, you borrow the money from yourself, and it has a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan. Consequently, a 401(k) loan cuts down your retirement fund, and there are large fees if you are unable to repay the loan. If you happen to leave or lose your job, you must pay the loan back within 60 days.
  • Unsecured personal loan - This type of loan has a fixed payment period, monthly payment, and interest rate. There is usually an origination fee with an unsecured loan, and you have to have excellent credit to receive the lowest rates.

Breakdown of Options

  • With a 0% balance transfer credit card, there is no interest during a promotional period, and you can transfer all of your other credit card balances to this one card. To qualify, you will most likely need a credit score above 690. This method is great if you make a budget to eliminate your debt during that interest-free introductory period.
  • If you own a home, you have the option to take out a line of credit or a loan on the equity in your home. A line of credit works much like a typical credit card and has a variable interest rate. A home equity loan has a fixed interest rate, and it is a lump sum loan.
  • If your employer sponsors your retirement account, it may not be the best option to select a 401(k) loan unless you have already ruled out other methods. A major benefit is that a 401(k) loan will not appear on your credit report, but penalties and taxes are extensive if you are unable to pay back the loan.

  1955 Hits

How to Open a Bank Account

Bank Account

Although it may seem like an intimidating process, opening a bank account is actually quick and easy as long as you are prepared. Be sure to have the required documents on hand, whether you are applying online or in person, so that the process runs smoothly. Wondering how to open a bank account or which account is right for you? Read on below for quick tips.

Should I Choose a Checking or Savings Account?

Deciding on a checking or savings account is a matter of personal preference depending on your financial situation.

A checking account may be right for you if you are looking to:

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  2157 Hits

Financial Advice: Learn How to Apply for a Credit Card

Credit Cards

A credit card is far more than just a piece of plastic. Credit cards are incredibly convenient forms of payment that allow you to make transactions nearly anywhere, and when used correctly, they can help you build your credit as well. But, some people find themselves frustrated when they fail to get approved for the card that they want. We've done the research to find out why people get approved and declined, so you can fill out that application with confidence. Find out how to apply for a credit card successfully below!

Credit Score

Do you know your credit score? This single number can have a major impact on the approval or denial of your application. Generally speaking, credit card companies want to enroll customers with good or excellent credit. That means you should shoot for a score of 690 or higher for the best luck. If you fall below that threshold, you might consider an option like a secure card that can boost your credit score over time.

Debt Level

Your credit score isn't just about how much money you have, but also how much you owe. Your debt is accounted for nearly one-third of your total credit score, so it pays to get into good habits. If you constantly max out your credit cards, this may affect your ability to get another card. Try to keep your balance under 30 percent of your credit limit. Then, don't forget to pay off your balance as fast as possible. Options like payday loans or cash advances can be valuable lifelines if something unexpected drains your finances, so you don't fall behind.

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  2408 Hits

What are the Best Ways to Establish Credit?

Credit Score Sign

Your credit score is a small number that can have an enormous impact on your life. From the cars that you drive to the homes that you own, your credit history can open - and close - many doors to opportunity that greatly affect your quality of life. That's why so many are on the hunt for the best way to establish credit. The good news: It's easier than you think! In this guide, we'll walk you through some of the steps that you can take to boost your credit score. With a little research and hard work, your financial future will be brighter than ever!

Building Credit

While some people jump right into credit card applications, it's wise to start with a secured credit card to safely build up your credit. Just what exactly is a secured credit card? It's a credit card that is backed by a cash deposit, so it's considered very low risk for both you and the lender. While secured credit cards are usually not a long term solution, they are terrific tools to build your credit in the short term. Once you've established yourself as a responsible cardholder, you can get a traditional credit card much more easily. Consider researching different secured cards online to make sure you choose a reputable company with low annual fees. There are many different companies to explore.

Additionally, you have a few other avenues to boost your credit score. Credit-builder loans were designed specifically to help new customers build up their credit, so you could check into your credit union or bank to see if this service is offered. If you need extra funds to get your account started, consider services like cash advances to get the ball rolling. You could also pair up with someone who will act as a co-signer or will give you authorized access on their credit card. Just be sure to talk openly and honestly about the terms of the partnership before you sign anything!

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  2049 Hits

How Much Money Do You Need for Retirement?

Money Savings

While you may daydream at your desk about your retirement plans, retirement is a long way in the distance for most of us. However, it's never too early to think about your future finances. So, how much money do you need for retirement? The answer is a little different for every person, but we have expert guidance to help you make the best informed decision for your present and future goals. Let's go through the steps to calculate what you need!

Rule of Thumb

Few of us want to work well into our golden years, so it's important to think strategically. Your savings need to be significant enough to support your lifestyle, but don't forget about funds from Social Security. Generally speaking, experts suggest that you will need to replace anywhere from 70 to 90 percent of your income through a combination of savings and Social Security. That may be a big number, but remember: You've got plenty of time if you start early!

Retirement Needs

What exactly will you need when you retire? Think about your current lifestyle, and try to imagine a few decades in the future. Your brand new home may be paid in full at that point, but will you want to spend extra time visiting the grandkids or indulging in your favorite expensive hobbies? This may shift your figures around a bit. Don't forget: Once you're retired, you aren't saving for retirement anymore. Make a list of all the different expenses you currently have and think about your dream retirement scenario.

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  1670 Hits

How Much Money Should I Save?

Money Savings

After your paycheck has been deposited and your bills have been paid, you're probably all set to spend some cash. But, there's that nagging question in the back of your mind: "How much money should I save?" Whether you're a shopaholic or a frugal spender, it's well worth your time to set some money aside for future investments. In this guide, we'll explain how to maximize your savings without feeling strapped for cash!

The Magic Number

While everyone has different income levels and budgets, saving 20 percent of your paycheck is the golden standard for healthy savings. This formula works well for many, but you'll have to do some number crunching to determine if it's right for you. Those in the higher income brackets may feel comfortable saving even more, while those with limited incomes may have to lower that percentage significantly. The important thing is to keep saving, and every little bit will add up with time.

Establish Your Goal

So, why are we saving 20 percent? This is the recommended figure to achieve financial independence later in life. Sure, your golden years may be well into the future, but you can accumulate quite the sum of money if you get into the habit of saving 20 percent of each paycheck. Another figure to keep in mind: Multiply your annual living expenses by 25 to determine the lump sum that you need for financial independence. While that figure may be daunting at first, remember that you have decades to build up your financial reserves. In fact, experts estimate that it takes just over 40 years to reach those goals. And what if you can't reach that 20 percent figure? Any saving is better than no saving, so do what you can. You can also look into options like title loans and cash advances for extra money.

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  1811 Hits

Real Estate 101: How to Save for a New Home While Paying Rent

House mortgage loan

Whether you've settled into a tiny urban studio or a quaint rental house, renting can be an appealing short-term option for many. However, most renters daydream about that perfect home that they can enjoy for years. In fact, two-third of those surveyed in a Wells Fargo survey reported that home ownership was seen as a major goal in life. What's stopping the average renter from packing up and moving into that dream home? Cost. But with a little planning, nearly anyone can save up a great down payment. Find out how to save for a new home while paying rent!

Eliminate Your Debts

First things first: Do you have any credit card debt? It's difficult to move into your future investments without settling your past debts. Though you may feel like you are two steps behind while sinking money into your credit card bills, this is actually a huge step forward. Credit card debt typically carries a high interest rate, which can put a major damper on your funds. If you eliminate this source, you'll free up quite a bit more money to shift into your savings account. Also, a debt-free slate will make you much more attractive to potential lenders. It's hard to secure a great rate for a mortgage with a low credit score or high debt-to-income ratio. Put your best foot forward and take care of your debt sooner rather than later!

Utilize Your Raises

The next time you score that big promotion, use the pay bump as an easy way to save up for that down payment. Let's say you receive an extra $1,000 per year after your last evaluation. Rather than using your extra income for extra gadgets and goods, consider moving that sum directly to savings. You'll still live comfortably off of your old salary as usual, while growing your house fund month by month. What if you haven't gotten a raise? Don't be afraid to ask for one. Just be sure to do the research on average salaries to show that you mean business.

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  1624 Hits

What are Savings Bonds?

Savings Bonds

Savings bonds have been in rotation since 1941, so many people associate them with the World War II era. However, these investments are still popular today - and with good reason! A savings bond may be one of the safest and smartest investments that you can make. Plus, they carry a number of unique benefits that you won't find from any old check or stock portfolio. Learn all about the advantages of savings bonds, and get ready to invest in your future!

A Safe Investment

Savings bonds are known for being a safe and secure way to invest your money, but why is that? Bonds are backed by the federal government, which can be a huge benefit to you. This means that bonds are quite a bit more stable than a riskier investment, like the stock market. While you can't get the funds as quickly as a cash advance or a loan, the advantages are often worth the wait. And even if you lose the certificate itself, you can get a replacement. Just fill out a Form PDF 1048 from a financial institution with your information, and you can get a brand new certificate promptly.

Accessible Funding

Savings bonds are also quite versatile. While some investments require a huge amount of money up front, you can get a savings bond with as little as 25 dollars! That's one reason that savings bonds are such a popular choice for graduation gifts. Plus, the bond will mature and increase in value with time. So, that 25 dollar investment can grow to double the size as it matures! Unlike stocks, there are no seller's fees to worry about. Where can you get a savings bond?

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  1823 Hits

Why Do Mortgage Loans Get Declined?

House mortgage loan

It takes a huge amount of work to get your mortgage loan in top shape: hours of paperwork, weeks of phone tag, and endless meetings. After all that planning and preparation, getting declined for your mortgage loan can feel truly devastating. But, all is not lost! In this guide, we discuss the most common reasons that lenders deny your loan. With a little research, you can use this information to secure your dream home in the future!

Credit History

It's amazing how much information lenders can pull from just one number! Your credit score is one of the most important variables that lenders use when weighing your loan approval. A FICO score of less than 620 is seen as undesirable, so consider that when looking over your annual credit score. Also, bad marks on your credit report can turn lenders away. Events like foreclosures and bankruptcy may drop your score temporarily.

Income to Debt Ratio

While your past is important to lenders, your present is just as important! Lenders assess whether you can afford your mortgage using the income to debt ratio. This determines whether your current income can support your upcoming investment. Proper documentation can help you strengthen your case, so dig out those old tax returns and financial records.

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  1522 Hits

Tips and Tricks on Budgeting for College Students

Money Savings

Between expensive textbooks and costly tuition and even late night study snacks, college can be a seriously expensive time for students! So, how do you stay afloat during these times? It just takes a little planning. Just like any other subject in school, students can study to improve their financial skills. One of the most important tools in your toolbox is a good old fashioned budget.

Support Team

First, who is paying for college? Are you footing the bill yourself, or do you have help from your family? While many people feel reserved when talking about money, it's important for you to have a clear picture of your finances. Take a little time to meet with your parents, guardians, partner, or any other contributors to your college experience. This allows everyone to go over expectations, so you can budget more effectively for the upcoming semester and beyond. This is also an excellent time to work through your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which determines your eligibility for financial aid.

Pre-College Costs

Even before you set up your dorm room, there are many expenses to consider!

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  1471 Hits

Avoid These Common Financial Mistakes and Gain Control of Your Future

Money Savings

Everyone has money problems, right? Or do they? These common financial mistakes can mean the difference between living under severe stress or having a safety net to get you through the tough times. Imagine not having to worry about money anymore! Stop making these mistakes, and you won’t have to:

Living Paycheck to Paycheck

No one actually wants to live paycheck to paycheck, but it often just becomes a habit. Sit down and take a hard look at your finances. Do you really need to spend every single dollar? What happens if you have an emergency? Would you have to get a loan or a cash advance? It’s time to make some choices about how you’re spending your money and whether you need additional income.

Excess Spending

How do you spend your money? Do you splurge on big, expensive items? Do you buy a lot of cheap little things? Whip out your calculator and add up how much your coffee, lunches out, and movie nights cost. $25 a week on lattes adds up to $1,300 a year, which is a big chunk of change that could go toward paying down debt. Create a budget and stick to it.

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How to Avoid Scholarship and Financial Aid Scams

Thief robbing money

If you're college-bound, you've probably got a lot on your mind! From classes to campus to tuition, this exciting time can feel overwhelming at times. And the top concern of upcoming freshman? Money. If you're searching for college funding, then you've probably perused the financial aid resources at your school. While there are a ton of terrific options for savvy students, it's important to keep an eye out for scholarship and financial aid scams. In this guide, we'll explain some of the most common scams around today.

The Language of the Scammer

As you've learned in English, a simple sentence can reveal a great deal about the author's intent. Use those analytical skills while scanning through your potential scholarships. If you see any of these phrases, be cautious!

  • A "money back guarantee" is a huge red flag. If the company asks for an advanced fee or your bank account information, stay away.
  • Have you been selected as a "finalist" for a "national foundation" that doesn't ring a bell? This is a common scam that will never pay.
  • If the company promises to "do all the work for you" for a fee, don't trust them. There's no guarantee you'll ever get your financial aid.

Financial Aid Seminars

You may have seen advertisements for financial aid seminars to help students get an extra edge when applying for financial aid. While some seminars may be legitimate, others are not. How can you tell the difference? Do a little research. Talk to your guidance counselor or financial aid advisor to see if the organization is legitimate. Your school has your best interest in mind, so they won't lead you astray!

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  1776 Hits

Don’t Make These Big Buyer Mistakes with Short-Sale Homes

Buying a short-sale home is appealing for one big reason – you're probably going to get a smoking deal because the bank has agreed to sell the house for less than what the owner owes. But before you jump in, take off those rose-colored glasses and make sure you're not making any of these big buyer mistakes. Running Out of Time A short-sale takes a ...

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  1738 Hits

What are Money Market Accounts, Anyway?

If you don't already have a money market account, you may think it sounds like something mysterious and complicated. What are money market accounts, anyway? Well, we're going to break it down for you. And don't worry, they're not mysterious or complicated, and they can have tremendous benefits for consumers for the long haul. Money Market Accounts ...

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  1563 Hits

Don’t Get Burned: Risky Places to Use a Debit Card

Identity fraud and data breaches are so commonplace now, we need to be careful with our personal information. Did you know there are especially risky places to use a debit card? And that cash comes out of your account right away. Protect your checking account by using your credit card instead of your debit card in these spots: The Internet We often...

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  1539 Hits

Spend Smarter with These Debit Card Facts

You may swipe your debit card daily, but how much do you know about it? Learn some debit card facts to spend wisely! Spend Smarter with These Surprising Debit Card Facts Millions of Americans use their debit cards every day, but not everyone knows exactly how this high-tech payment works. Swipe your card, and data transmit rapidly from merchant to ...

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  1508 Hits

Heading to College? Check Out Our FAFSA Tips!

FAFSA forms may seem like a headache, but filing your paperwork could save you a bundle for college! Learn our best FAFSA tips in our student guide. FAFSA Tips to Help Fund Your Studies College-bound students across the country have a lot to juggle, but your FAFSA is one form that you don't want to forget! Filing your FAFSA form, or Free Applicatio...

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  1487 Hits

Find Out How to Balance a Checkbook

Learning how to balance a checkbook may seem daunting, but it's actually a simple process that can save you tons of stress down the line. With simple calculations and a little planning, you can learn how to manage your money like a pro! Read our best tips and tricks below.

Why Should I Balance My Checkbook?

When dealing with any type of payment, it's important to keep good records. While credit card bills showcase an itemized list of your expenses, it's easy to lose track of your checkbook expenses if you don't keep your own notes. Balancing a checkbook helps you keep a running tally of all your transactions, so you can effectively budget and avoid bounced checks.

How Do I Start?

There are many ways to record your transactions. Each checkbook comes with a little notebook that's designed to record your expenses, along with the date and description of each payment. If you don't have this slip handy, feel free to make your own! Use a notebook, graph paper, or print out your own customized forms.

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Credit Card Tips for Savvy Spending

While credit cards are widely used around the globe, credit cards are also frequently misunderstood. Many myths persist about this common form of payment, so it's good to refresh your knowledge from time to time. That's why we are presenting our top credit card tips for savvy spending. Learn all about credit card basics, so you can shop wisely!

Credit Score

A credit card can help you build credit, as long as you use it responsibly. Be sure to check your credit score periodically to find out the state of your finances. There are plenty of online resources to check your score for free. You can also get a copy of your credit report in person to double check the accuracy. However, be careful about checking your score too often. This can deter potential lenders from working with you. If you pay your bills on time and avoid overdrawing your account, you're on your way to a great credit history!

Smart Shopping

When it comes to credit cards, more isn't more. We recommend starting with just one card with a low limit to establish a positive credit history. Examine your bills for accuracy and pay off the total balance every month. You may find it helpful to create a budget to spend within your means. Not only will you avoid depleting your bank account, but you'll also keep your credit score in good standing. If you need to get a new credit card, do your homework! Read the fine print carefully, because the terms may differ from your current lender. And consider negotiating for a better interest rate. While this doesn't work for every company, it doesn't hurt to ask!

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  1811 Hits

What Are the Best Savings Accounts For My Needs?

Not all savings accounts are created equally! Before setting up your account, consider is your age. In this piece, you'll find out the best savings accounts for every stage of life. Read on for more information about savvy saving!

The Early Years

As parents, you can teach your kids about the importance of money management from a young age. Check with your bank about special savings accounts for toddlers to teens. These accounts are typically free or low-cost, but they require a parent to open the account. This can be a great place to start an automatic savings plan for your children, so they can see their money grow over time. Not only is this a valuable financial strategy, but a wise educational opportunity as well!

The 20-Somethings

Young adults are more tech-savvy than ever before, so an online savings account can be a great way to streamline the financial process. When you have an online savings account, there's no need to drive to the bank every time you want to make a transaction. Plus, many online banks have lower overhead, which benefits the customer in the form of lower costs and maintenance fees. These conveniences can make the saving process a lot easier.

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  1601 Hits

What is a Good Credit Score for Getting a Mortgage?

So, you've found the perfect piece of real estate to make all your dreams come true. While this should be a time for celebration, just one simple number can change your entire future. Just what is a good credit score for a getting a mortgage? The answer may surprise you. In the past, a 720 credit score would open doors all over town. Now, the best rates only unlock for credit scores of 740 or higher! Read on for our advice to potential homeowners, and you'll have that key in your hand in no time at all!

Checking Your Score

Do you really know your credit score? It's a good idea to check every year to stay on top of your finances, and you can even check it online for free. Unexpected expenses can have a major impact on your score, even if you have a history of good credit. What about that broken water heater that maxed out your card? What about that delayed credit card payment? Take an honest inventory of your situation to make the best decisions possible.

Co-Signing Dangers

Teaming up for a big investment can be a great idea for a driven duo, but be sure that you know your partner well. You could have a sky-high income level with decades of terrific credit, but if you co-sign with the wrong person, your credit score can take a hit. Parents should be particularly mindful of this while co-signing auto loans or other major investments with children, who are less financially established. Sometimes the risk is well worth the investment, but be very careful when dealing with imbalanced partnerships. Instead, you may suggest a cash advance or other personal loan service from CashMax.

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  1522 Hits

How Do I Protect Myself From Check Fraud?

Between paper checks and mobile apps, there are a lot of different ways to make a transaction these days. However, it's important to stay up-to-date to the latest check fraud threats to help protect your bank account. While the dangers of theft and counterfeiting may seem overwhelming, a little knowledge can go a long way to protect you against problems down the line. In this guide, we go through some of the most common types of check fraud and how to protect yourself against them.


How safe is your checkbook? Sure, you may keep it tucked in your purse or work desk, but is that really secure? We recommend being extra careful with blank checks, bank statements, and canceled checks. Consider placing them in a safe or locked drawer for extra security. If you have any old checkbooks or statements that you don't need, shred them! And stay on top of mail collection. Thieves may target neglected mailboxes for financial documents.


If you encounter a situation that's just a little too good to be true, trust your gut. Scammers target their victims with elaborate stories to steal money with minimal effort. Be wary of anyone who promises to send lottery money to your home, especially if you didn't buy a ticket! These scammers typically ask for a money wire in exchange for riches that will never arrive. Talk to your bank if you receive such an offer. They can confirm the validity of your earnings or report the scammer to the proper authorities.

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Planning for the Future: Can I Retire Early?

After years of early morning commutes and late nights at the office, you might start to wonder, "Can I retire early?" The decision to retire can be complicated, so we've compiled our best tips to assess your situation before you take the plunge. Not only are there major financial components to consider, but emotional factors as well. Read on to see whether early retirement is the right choice for you!

Retirement Budget

Have you calculated a retirement budget yet? This important step can shed light on your financial situation in a new way. We recommend setting up a budget and living off that amount for six whole months. This process will help you determine whether you need a little extra wiggle room or not. Don't forget to factor in inflation!


Are your children financially independent, or do they have a ways to go? If your children are still in school, you may want to double check your savings. It's a good idea to have emergency funds for both you and your kids. If you have any children with other special needs, it's important to factor these considerations into your budget as well.

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  1627 Hits

Why Should I Consider Rent-to-Own Homes?

While rent-to-own homes were less common just a decade ago, this modern method is gaining in popularity for savvy homeowners. Why? Rent-to-own homes offer unique financial flexibility that is perfect for many buyers. However, like any other investment, there are plenty of pros and cons to consider before making the big move. Learn all the key issues around rent-to-own homes, and then get ready to find your perfect house!

What is a Rent-to-Own Home?

Rent-to-own homes strike a balance between the traditional rental and classic financed home. Like a rental, you pay a monthly rent to the homeowner. However, part of this monthly rent goes toward ownership. This is a win-win situation for the homeowner and renter alike. The homeowner will generate additional income, and you will work toward ownership while enjoying your new abode.

What are the Advantages?

No matter how many open houses and ads you go through, buying a home is a bit of a gamble. You never quite know what will wait on the other side of the door after you sign the dotted line. But, rent-to-own homes are different. You get to actually live in the home and experience the neighborhood.

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  1507 Hits

Guide for First-Time Home Buyers

Between location and price and design, there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing your very first home. While purchasing a new house is a time of incredible excitement for first-time home buyers, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all the new decisions. Luckily, we've assembled this brief guide for first-time home buyers, so you can purchase your dream home like a pro! Learn how to avoid the common mistakes when handling real estate, and then contact CashMax for our customized personal loan services.

Financial Planning

Your search for the right house starts with the right planning. Before you fall in love with that charming bungalow, it's a good idea to do your homework. Start by checking your credit score through your bank or a free online service, and then consider getting prequalified for a mortgage. This allows you to plan your budget more wisely, so you can find houses that you love that won't break the bank.

Other Expenses

You've crunched the numbers and planned for the down payment and monthly mortgage, but are you ready for the other expenses of home ownership? Do you have Homeowner Association dues? What about maintenance costs? Don't forget about the higher utility costs if you get a bigger home. Also, consider the cost of property insurance and taxes. These expenses typically go up with time, so make sure you have the flexibility to accommodate these rising costs.

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  1328 Hits

How to Invest for Your Age

We’ve all heard the story of the grasshopper and the ant: the lazy grasshopper who played instead of storing up food for the winter, and the industrious ant who worked hard so he would be well-provided for once the cold weather hit. The moral of this story has definite applications to retirement.

Growing your retirement savings through investment is a long-term process, and the earlier you start it, the better off you’ll be. The important thing when getting started isn’t saving up a lot of money right out of the gate; the first step is coming up with a plan you can commit to and follow through with.

4 Decades of Retirement Tips

In the world of investment and retirement planning, you clearly do not want to be the grasshopper. Take some antlike steps today to help ensure you are comfortable and well provided for when your retirement years arrive.

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  1685 Hits

Top Recommendations for Financing College Tuition

When you're daydreaming about your freshman year of college, financing college tuition is probably the last thing you want to think about. However, there are tons of tips and tricks to make financing easier. From scholarships to FAFSA to public service, any student can find help in a variety of places. Learn all about the different sources for financing college tuition, and be sure to consider CashMax for your personal loan services!

Start Early

Proper planning is the key to your success. Remember: You're competing with hundreds of other students, so you have to think ahead. Do you qualify for any scholarships or federal student aid? Don't wait until days before the deadline! Earlier candidates may have an edge on procrastinators, since some aid is claimed on a first come, first served basis. Get out your calendar and start scheduling!

Save Often

If you want to make the most of your money, you'll want to start saving as early as possible. Even smaller amounts of money over time can make big gains in compound interest. Also, consider saving your money under your parents' names rather than your own. Student assets are assessed differently than parental assets, so you may hurt your chances at a big financial aid package if you keep your money in your own account.

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  1860 Hits

Why Do Car Loans Get Denied?

If you've got your heart set on your dream car, you may feel nervous about the final step of financing. Just why do car loans get denied? It all comes down to the auto loan lenders and your personal financial information. While this may feel like an overwhelming process, the good news is that a little research goes a long way in your success. Learn all about the common reasons for rejection, and don't forget to consider CashMax for our personal loan services.

Poor Credit

Do you know your credit score? If not, be sure to check your score annually through any of the free online resources available. Auto loan lenders prefer drivers with scores of 620 or higher, because they are seen as low-risk clients. Drivers with lower credit scores can be considered risky, and thus, they are frequently rejected.

No Credit

So, poor credit can be a major liability in the financing process. What about no credit? This can also be a problem, since auto loan lenders cannot determine whether you are a low- or high-risk client. There are a few ways to work around this issue. First, consider a co-signer who has a good credit score to boost your favorability. Second, you can consider online lenders. However, keep in mind that online lenders have lower requirements and much higher interest costs. It's up to you whether that trade-off is worthwhile.

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  1884 Hits

What are Common Mistakes When Applying for a Car Loan?

You've found that perfect make and model. You've picked out your new trim. You're so close to owning the vehicle of your dreams, but what about financing? There are tons of nuisances that customers may face when seeking auto financing, but with just a little research, you can avoid every one! Learn all about the common mistakes when getting started with a car loan, and consider contacting CashMax for all your loan needs.

Auto Research

When it comes to buying a car, have you done your homework? Before you get behind the wheel of your vehicle, be sure to set your budget and stick to it. Customers need to figure out how much they can afford, including both payments and financing rates. Don't forget to check your credit report and FICO score! Once your budget is set, you're ready to take the next steps.

When you get to the financing stage, consider checking out as many options as possible: credit unions, local banks, even the dealership. Many online resources, such as and, will help you compare each option side-by-side, so you can drive away with the best deal possible.

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  1588 Hits

Important Financial Tips

Just as a person's physical body can always be healthier than it currently is, so can a person's finances become healthier than they currently are. By following various key financial tips, you can get your financial matters in better shape—and, often, more quickly than you thought possible!

Start Saving

“I don't make enough money to save” is a poor mantra and one you should discard immediately. Even if you aren't pulling in a huge income, it's important to find ways to save. The sooner you start saving, the more interest you'll be earning on that tucked-away money and the better shape you'll be in for rainy days and retirement.

Separate Your Accounts

As you start saving, it's crucial that you have separate checking and savings accounts. If you put saved money in your checking account, you'll spend it. It's that simple. Open a separate savings account and put that extra cash out of sight and out of mind so it can stay put and earn interest.

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  2244 Hits

Best Ways to Earn Extra Cash

Short on money? There are many out-of-the-box ways to earn extra cash outside of your day job. Whether an unforeseen expense, like car repairs, have you strapped or you've got your eye on an expensive item you simply can't live without, you can find yourself in need of extra funds for a variety of reasons. The following are some great ways to drum up extra dinero in your spare time!

Rent Out Your Home

Sometimes what we need is right in front of us—or, in this case, around us. Your home can be a great outlet for earning extra cash. If you have a spare bedroom or a mother-in-law apartment, you can generate income by renting out the space. If you don't want a permanent boarder, you can also list portions of your home (extra bedrooms, basement apartments, etc.) as temporary accommodations for travelers on sites like Airbnb.

Transform Gift Cards Into Cash

Billions of dollars in gift cards reportedly go unused every year. You've probably been an offender in this area yourself. You know how the story goes. For Christmas, your great-aunt gives you a gift card to a restaurant you don't like or to a store you wouldn't be caught dead in. The card gets shoved in a junk drawer or lost in the recesses of your purse. Instead of wasting the card, you can sell it online or exchange it for instant cash at a business like CashMax.

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  2354 Hits

Bankruptcy Doesn’t Have to Kill Your Chances of Getting a New Car Loan

Filing for a car loan after bankruptcy sounds impossible, but it can be done. You’ve been through the wringer with the process and all the stress and paperwork that goes with it, and now you need a new car. Wondering what to do if your credit is in shambles but you want to finance a new vehicle? Relax. Here are some steps you can take and services out there that can help!

Think Things Through

First of all, stop for a moment and think about whether filing for a car loan is worth it. We all love nice new cars, but your focus should be on buying something reliable that you can really afford. New cars are a terrible investment. In fact, they depreciate 20 percent the second you drive it off the lot. So, ask yourself how much money you really want to spend and whether you really need to commit to a loan.

While you’re at it, be sure to do your research to make sure the vehicle you want is going to perform for the long haul. You don’t want something too old or with too many miles on it, so you need to balance cost with capabilities. Online resources like Kelley Blue Book’s, Consumer Reports, and others can help you find smart choices in the $10,000 to $12,250 price range. You can utilize online calculators like Bankrate’s auto loan calculator to compute what your car payment will look like, with interest.

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  2222 Hits

Learn All About the Top Apps for Selling Items

If you're ready to streamline your space, it may be time to get rid of your old stuff! While you could head to the thrift stores or set up a garage sale, modern times call for modern methods. Now, you can access a new world of buyers with just the click of a button. We'll walk you through some of the most popular apps for selling items, so you can find a happy home for that old jacket or coffee table. Each app is easy to use, even if you're less than tech-savvy. And if you're looking for a little spare cash in the meantime, contact CashMax about our personal loan services! From payday loans to cash advances, we're happy to help you through any financial woes.


When it comes to clothing sales, Poshmark is one of the most popular around. This app has built up quite a following for its amazing selection of clothing and accessories for women, though demand for men's fashion is growing rapidly. This is the perfect place to sell that handbag collection that is gathering dust in the closet! Just take a photo with your phone, add a description, and upload the listing. You'll get an alert when a sale is made, and the company will even mail you a pre-paid shipping label.


If you've upgraded your laptop or camera, you may consider selling your old electronics to Gone. Similar to Poshmark, you can provide a picture and description of your item to the app in minutes. However, there's no need to deal with sellers when you use Gone. The company makes an offer directly to you, and they will auction off the item themselves. This can be a terrific way to unload your old electronics while making a profit!

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  2491 Hits

Explore the Many Benefits of Buying a Used Car

While many customers set their sights on the newest cars in the showroom, there are so many benefits of buying a used car that you may never buy a new model again! Used vehicles have the same stylish looks and great features of brand new models, but the lower price point and maintenance costs can be a huge break for your wallet.

Learn all about the benefits of buying a used car below, and then start planning ahead! CashMax offers plenty of opportunities to help you afford the car of your dreams, like title loan and cash advance services. In fact, you can even apply for a loan online!


Savvy customers know that used cars are an incredible bargain. You can find the deal of a lifetime if you're willing to do a little hunting! Used vehicles range in price tremendously, so feel free to take your time while browsing through different dealerships. Older, low-mileage options carry a low price tag with high reliability, so they are great options for drivers on a budget. What if you'd like to indulge a little? Consider a more recent model. With the lower price, you can afford to splurge. Try a higher-end trim, a few upgrades, or some custom accessories!

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  2554 Hits

Exploring Your Options: Leasing vs. Financing a Vehicle

When you decide to upgrade your vehicle, there are tons of decisions to make. Between choosing models and trims and colors, the choices can seem overwhelming! But, there is one major decision that deserves a lot of thought: Leasing vs. financing a vehicle. There are plenty of pros and cons to either alternative, but we're here to help you find the right choice for you. Read on for an in-depth comparison between leasing vs. financing. Once you've made your decision, don't forget to contact CashMax if you need a personal loan for your new ride!

Leasing a Vehicle

Leasing a vehicle is a shorter-term investment with a lot of flexibility. When you lease a vehicle, you get to enjoy the latest and greatest vehicles without the large price tag. That's because leases only cover the depreciation during the lease term, as well as rent charges, taxes, and fees. That can add up to a major discount for those on a budget. And when your lease is up, you have options:

  • Hand the vehicle back and pick up something brand new.
  • Buy your vehicle from the dealership.

However, leasing can be a bit more challenging in some aspects. For example, you typically will have mileage limits of around 12,000 to 12,250 miles per year. Go over your allotted miles and you'll face a fee. That means high-mileage commuters may want to consider financing a vehicle instead. Also, early termination fees can be incredibly expensive, so read your contract carefully.

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  1946 Hits

How to Manage Unexpected Expenses

Despite all the budgeting and planning in the world, unexpected expenses can pop up in anyone's life. From car troubles to job loss to house repairs, these financial fiascos can result in major stress. If bad luck has infiltrated your bank account, then take a deep breath and check out our tips below for getting out of an emergency. If you find yourself in need of a payday loan to get you through the hard times, contact us about our personal loan services.

Create a New Budget

When your funds are strained, budgeting is one of the best actions that you can take. Cut your non-essential expenses, like cable and takeout, and consider lifestyle changes to maximize every dollar. You may need to downsize to a smaller apartment or get a roommate to help cut your monthly expenses. If you have debt, talk to your creditors about your financial situation. They may be able to lower your monthly payments or renegotiate your terms.

Find Additional Funds

When disaster strikes, every dollar counts. Here are a few ways to make extra money when dealing with unexpected expenses:

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  2031 Hits

Getting Bills Under Control

Being buried in debt and bills affects every aspect of your life. As countless unfortunates have come to know for themselves, getting into debt is easy, and getting out of debt is hard. But getting your bills under control is possible—and you can get started right now.

Reigning in Your Bills

If you're ready to take back the financial reins in your life, here are some basic steps to help you get started:

  • Take stock. First, you have to know what your bills are and when they are due. Organizing your bills can be as simple as listing them on a computer document or on a bulletin board in your house. Write down your monthly bills in order of their due dates, and list the monthly amounts you must pay for those bills: “1st of each month – Rent - $1,100. 5th of each month – Visa card - $50,” etc.
  • Be honest. Next, it's time to take a brutally honest look at your bills and whether you can really afford some of them. For instance, if you're paying $170 a month for the highest cable package when you could get by perfectly well with a more basic $50 plan, then guess what? It's time to call your cable company and drop down that package. Congratulations—you just saved $120 per month.
  • Budget your money. As you're still looking at that wall of bills, it's time to examine your monthly income in relation to them. If you get paid $2,000 every two weeks and the bills that are due between the 1st and 15th of each month add up to $1,500, that only leaves you $500 for other necessities, like food and gas, and extra luxuries during that time period. What's that you say? You'll just buy things with your credit card when the $500 runs out? Wrong answer, sailor. That kind of thinking is what got you drowning in debt in the first place. If $500 is all you have to spend, then $500 is all you should spend. Time to get rid of some of that unnecessary spending you've been doing (ahem, twice-daily trips to Starbucks and those frequent nights out to high-class restaurants with your girlfriends).
  • Pay down your debts. If you have a bad habit of charging up credit cards, now is the time to hit the brakes. Whenever possible, pay more than just the minimum amount due when you make your monthly credit card payments and start paying more to principal. You might also consider offloading some valuables to get cash in hand and pay down your high-balance credit cards even faster.

  2292 Hits

The Wisdom of Saving Money While Single

When you're on your own and only have to think for one, it can be easy to frivolously spend. A wise person, however, focuses on saving money while single. Once a spouse, a mortgage, and a couple of kids enter your life (and all of the expenses that come with them), you may find yourself wishing you'd saved more when you had a disposable income.

Contrariwise, if you're one of the more cash-strapped members of the single set (the term “poor college student” comes to mind), there are various ways you can save money even if you don't have a lot of it coming in.

A Penny Saved

The following are some good rules of thumb for single people who are looking to save some green:

  • Eat in. On average, single people spend a lot more money dining out than individuals with families. It's far too easy to spend hundreds of dollars in just one month dining out at restaurants. Rein yourself in and start taking a brown bag lunch to work or school, and start sticking some food in the Crock-Pot to slow cook while you're gone. That way, dinner is ready as soon as you get home and you're not tempted to take the easy (but more expensive) routes of ordering in or hitting the drive-thru.
  • Be a scrooge. You're a grownup now, and it's time to learn the wisdom of being thrifty. There is no shame in clipping coupons and in telling people, “I can't afford it.” Don't pick up the tab for your friends to show how generous you are when you know you've only got $20 in the bank. Don't use a credit card for unnecessary purchases (like a morning Starbucks run when there's a free pot of coffee in the office). When you do go out, find deals on Groupon and other such websites or clip a coupon out of a local bargain book and use it proudly. Bottom line: Don't spend what you don't have, and save money wherever and whenever you can.
  • Make sacrifices. If you're strapped for cash, don't use a credit card to get by. It's easy to get into debt but hard to get back out of it. Be creative and explore other avenues before you rack up debt. For instance, you can sell that ugly gold bracelet your high school boyfriend gave you, which has been collecting dust in a shoebox at the bottom of your closet—real gold can equal quick cash. You should also take a look at all of your expenses and offload the unnecessary ones. For instance, if you're paying $120 a month for a cable package you rarely have time to enjoy, drop down to a lower package or get rid of your cable altogether and just use Netflix or a similar inexpensive, web-based service.

  1983 Hits

How Budgeting Can Improve Your Life

Living on the edge can be exciting in some areas in your life—but your finances shouldn't be one of them. If “budget” is classified as a dirty word in your vocabulary, you can definitely benefit by learning how budgeting can improve your life. Contrary to what you may think, having an organized budget isn't restrictive but can help pave your way to financial freedom.

Budgeting Your Way to Freedom

People who live without a budget frequently end up overspending and often find themselves strapped for cash and waiting anxiously for their next paycheck to arrive. By taking stock of your income and your bills and where you're spending your money—and calculating how much you can realistically spend in the various areas of your life—you can get a handle on your finances and start improving your financial outlook.

Having (and adhering to) a budget can improve a person's life in various ways; for instance:

  • Less stress. Knowing exactly how much money you have, how much you need for bills, and how much you have left over when the bills are paid can eliminate a great deal of stress from your life. If you indiscriminately dine out and buy clothes and gadgets, then discover at the end of the month that you haven't saved out enough money for your rent and car payment, it becomes a stressful, snake-eating-its-tail problem of racking up late fees and getting behind in your bills. While payday loans and the like can help you get caught up in a pinch, the permanent solutions are organizing and budgeting.
  • Helps you save. Budgeting your money can help you go from being a spender to being a saver. If you take stock of your income and your expenses, you'll likely find there is plenty of room for your to start putting some savings away. You'll be shocked at how quickly your savings account will grow when you take a predetermined amount of money out of each paycheck and tuck it away in a savings account.
  • Eliminates waste. Taking a hard look at your spending habits can be painful. You may not realize just how much money you've been wasting on frivolous spending. For instance, did you really need that silk scarf from the department store? Possibly not—but the $120 you spent on it would have come in handy when your car broke down later that month. Do you really need the top-tier package from your cable company—the one that costs $200 a month? Probably not—but that extra money could be well spent when it's time for your two-week vacation. Become conscious about where your money is going and discipline yourself to cut back on wasteful spending. The results will be well worth your efforts!

  1909 Hits

Planning an Inexpensive Vacation

Tired of your hometown and a monotonous routine? If you need a change of scenery, it doesn't have to cost a lot. Planning an inexpensive vacation isn't as difficult as you think; with a little ingenuity, you can enjoy an awesome getaway on a small budget and get the R&R you've been longing for!

Vacationing on a Budget

Your quest for relaxation doesn't have to be a bank-drainer. The following are some tips for enjoying a vacation without overspending:

  • Go during the off season. If you have a popular destination in mind for your getaway, go at a time of year when the tourist traffic is low. You'll find that hotels and just about everything else are much less expensive.
  • Book smart. When you purchase your plane tickets, buying them a few months in advance can be a big cost saver. Contrarily, booking your flight a week or two before your departure will generally cost much more. Shop around on different sites and with different airlines to find the best rates. The more flexible your travel date and time, the better prices you will find. Also, putting up with a short layover during your flight can mean significant cost savings. A really creative traveler can even expand their vacation by turning a multi-day layover into an opportunity to explore a new city.
  • Destination adjacent. If you're traveling to a popular destination city, booking accommodations in a nearby town can save you a lot of money. You can still drive into the big city and enjoy the sites and sounds you're craving—then head back to your much-less-expensive hotel in the next burg when the day is done.
  • Consider a daycation or staycation. If you're really strapped for cash, you might consider traveling to destinations that are within a day's drive of your own city. Like Dorothy said, “There's no place like home.” With the money you'll save on airfares and other long-distance travel expenses, you could relax in a nice B&B or spa that's within driving distance of your home. Another popular option these days is skipping the trip altogether and using your time and money to explore your hometown. Book a high-style hotel room in your own city and hit some of the local hotspots and restaurants you've been meaning to try.
  • Creative financing. Beef up your vacation cash with some outside-the-box options. For instance, remember that gift card your aunt gave you for Christmas—the one for a restaurant you don't like? Turn it in for some quick cash and walk away with the money in hand. Or there's that ugly gold necklace your grandmother gave you for your birthday—real gold, it's true, but much too gaudy to actually be worn. Exchange it for cash!

  1770 Hits

Insurance Risks of Lending Out Your Car

Your brother wants to borrow your (significantly nicer than his) vehicle for a hot date, or your neighbor, whose car is in the shop, asks to borrow yours for a quick run to the supermarket. Should you say yes?

The insurance risks of lending out your car are significant. Before you toss those keys to someone else, here are a few things you should know.

Weighing the Risks

Even if you weren't the one behind the wheel, you can find yourself on the hook if someone has an accident in your car.

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  1936 Hits

Controlling Your Budget for a Bathroom Remodel

As with so many things in life, a home remodeling job starts with the vision in a homeowner's head and ends with reality—and seldom do the two meet in a satisfying way.

When you're setting a budget for a bathroom remodel, you may have grandiose visions of spa-like proportions—but it's important to balance those fantasy bathroom plans with financial realities.

Keep reading for some expert tips on setting a realistic budget that will yield beautiful—and affordable—results in your revamped bathroom. Your relaxing getaway is close at hand!

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  1375 Hits

Saving Money With a Roommate

Life is unpredictable—and the cost of living seems to get higher every day. Put these two factors together, and you can easily find yourself struggling to get by financially.

One of the biggest expenses for today's consumer is housing. Whether you're renting your home or paying off a mortgage, housing expenses are likely the biggest-ticket item in your monthly budget. In fact, the average American household spends up to 30 percent of their monthly income on housing.

If you find yourself in a financial crunch, whether you've lost a job or you're drowning in bills, title loans and other quick-cash options are a viable short-term solution. Saving money with a roommate is a long-term option you may not have thought about—but one that can save you hundreds of dollars each month. If that sounds like music to your ears (and money in the bank), keep reading!

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  1484 Hits

How to Create a Grocery Budget

When money is tight, every trip to the grocery store can feel intimidating. With so many products and sales, what's a shopper to do? Luckily, creating a shopping strategy is a simple way to stay well-fed without depleting your wallet. How do you stretch your grocery budget? We've assembled a list of our top tips for smart shopping. Study the list below for inspiration on your next trip, and don't forget to get in touch with CashMax if you're in need of personal loan services between paychecks!

Grocery Shopping Tips

  • The price of produce can add up, so buy cheaper vegetables for an inexpensive dose of nutrition. Look for options like carrots, leafy greens, and sweet potatoes to fill out your diet. While these fresh veggies are great for a budget, you can also look at frozen fruits and vegetables for a cost-effective option.
  • Buying plain, unflavored foods can save some extra cash as well. Purchase unseasoned boxes of rice, unflavored cartons of quick oats, and plain cups of yogurt. These blank canvases can be seasoned with the spices and toppings of your choice.
  • Consider growing your own produce if you have the resources. Not only will you enjoy your very own homegrown vegetables and fruits, but you also save money on trips to the grocery store and taxes at the register. Try growing fresh herbs if you are short on space.
  • Use filling foods to bulk up your diet. Rather than crowding your plate with expensive options like meats, think about low-cost vegetables and grains. Filling veggies like squash, broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are satisfying and nutritious. Beans, lentils, and rice are also great choices to serve to a crowd.
  • Meat can be expensive, so buy it on sale and freeze your leftover meat to preserve it for later use. This is a great solution for larger cuts as well, like rotisserie chickens.
  • Shop smart by using all the resources at your disposal. Stick to the perimeter of the grocery store, which is where the cheaper items are displayed, and use the internet for price comparisons. You can download coupons to your phone or print them out at home. Follow these tips, and you'll eat well on any budget!

  2070 Hits

How Do Interest Rates Work?

In an economy where credit plays a major role, interest rates can seem to go up and down at random. But is it random? What causes that change? How do interest rates work?

When you’re looking to borrow money, interest rates play an important part in the process. Keep reading as we explore some of the facts behind interest rates—then see the team at CashMax for a variety of quick, convenient lending options to provide the cash you need today!

What Is Interest?

Put simply, interest is the price you pay for borrowing money.

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  1926 Hits

When Should You Save or Pay Off Debt?

It’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day grind of work and paying bills, but don’t let that distract you from a life plan for financial security and freedom. Deciding whether to save money or pay off debt are critical decisions, so let’s take a look at some concepts to help guide you through the process. If a difficult financial situation arises, and you are in need of a loan, CashMax offers a variety of options to help you get back on your feet.

The True Cost of Debt

Should you pay off debt? We all know that borrowing money comes with interest costs, but it’s easy to just charge or take out loans because you don’t feel that pain right away. So, take the time to do the math and see how much your student loans, credit cards, and car are actually costing you. Simply multiply the interest rate times the amount of the loan to see how much you’re paying in addition to the balance. Over time, it adds up to serious money, especially if your loans are for large amounts. Typically, paying off debt is your #1 goal because it saves so much money in interest.

Somebody Call 911

Saving money instead of paying down debt becomes your top priority if you don’t have an existing emergency fund. Car repairs, medical bills, and family emergencies come up all the time. You don’t want to rely on a credit card or loans to deal with them because you’re just going to incur more and more debt in a vicious cycle. In general, you want at least three months of living expenses set aside, just in case, before you start paying off your debt.

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  1732 Hits

Tips for Coping with Job Loss

While coping with job loss may feel devastating, you are not alone! Millions deal with this distressing event, and millions have bounced back to achieve great success. Learn a few tips and tricks to make the best of your situation, so you can get back on your feet in no time. If you need a personal loan to help make ends meet, get in contact with CashMax for secure funds in a flash.

Stress Management

After hours of tinkering with your resume and crafting new cover letters, you may find yourself depleted. Remember, this is only a temporary situation. Take care of yourself to keep your spirits high and your motivation strong as you plan for the future. Here are a few tips to be your best self during these tough times.

  • Stay connected to your friends and family. Your loved ones can provide an ear to listen, and some may have helpful advice based on their own experiences. You may also want to expand your network through volunteering, clubs, and other social experiences.
  • Stay active to relieve tension in the body. Whether you go out for a run or go out dancing, the endorphins will give you a break from all the stressors of the job hunting process.
  • Maintain your health. Avoid the temptations of alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine and be sure to get enough healthy foods in your diet. Don't forget the importance of quality sleep, and consider researching relaxation techniques to remain calm.

Job Hunting

Now that you feel refreshed and ready to take on the world, try out these tips to stay grounded during the job hunting process.

  • Take advantage of networking. Your old bosses and coworkers may act as valuable references for your next job, or they may have leads for other positions in the industry.
  • Create a budget after taking stock of all your monthly expenses. Consider applying for government benefits, cutting back on expenses, or getting a buy-in from your family. Your bills are top priority, but don't hesitate calling your creditors to work out better rates on payments.
  • Avoid quick fixes, like cashing out your 401(k) or taking any job you can find. Though this process may seem dire, it is just temporary. Think about your long-term future before making any quick changes.
  • Create a plan for your future success. Take inventory of your skills and positive qualities, then search through job postings with your head held high. Some job seekers even treat the application process like a 9-to-5 job, maintaining a regular routine to stay on track. Good luck!

  1812 Hits

Consumer's Guide: How to Send Money Safely

When you need to transfer funds, you may feel overwhelmed by all the options. However, it's easy to send money safely with a little research. Nowadays, customers can easily transfer money in person, online, or even through a smartphone! Find out about all the latest, high-tech ways to send money safely. And if you need a personal loan before payday, get in contact with CashMax for fast and secure funds!

Mobile Money Transfers

If you're transferring money within the U.S., then take a look at Venmo. This digital wallet service, owned by PayPal, has gained a stellar reputation for its ease of use and its affordable price. The popular Square Cash is another terrific alternative. Like Venmo, this service is available for mobile and online users. Both offer free transfers with a debit card and a 3 percent surcharge with a credit card. The big difference is in the design. Try both apps and see which you prefer.

Online Money Transfers

PayPal is the immensely popular money transfer company that is perfect for online use. You can send up to $10,000 per transfer, which is a higher limit than the mobile services listed before. PayPal has hundreds of millions of users worldwide, so it's clear that they have the widest customer base in the world. If you prefer email transfers, you may prefer Google Wallet. This service allows you to cash out within minutes, which is something that many other providers do not offer.

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  1727 Hits

Top Ten Signs of Identity Theft

Between reports in the news and stories from friends, many people find themselves growing more and more concerned about the threats of stolen identity. What is identity theft? Identity theft occurs when thieves acquire your personal information and steal your resources. They may remove money from your bank account, run up charges on your credit cards, or even steal your tax refund!

While these cases are far from uncommon, it's possible to stay alert to the signs of identity theft. Keep yourself safe by remaining alert to the following red flags, and don't forget to get in touch with CashMax Texas about personal loan services if you find yourself low on funds.

Bank Accounts

  • Unexplained charges on your bank account can be a huge warning sign of stolen identity. Contact your bank immediately for the details, and you may be able to reverse the charges.
  • While unexplained charges may show up on your bank statement, you may also see strange charges on your credit report.
  • You may stop receiving your mail and bills, indicating that your address has been changed by the thief.
  • If merchants no longer accept your checks, this may indicate questionable activity in your bank account. Again, contact your bank immediately to find out the cause.

Medical Services

  • Thieves may target more than your bank account. If you start receiving bills for medical services that you didn't request, get in touch with the provider as well as your insurance company.
  • Even if you don't receive bills for these unexplained services, you may find that your annual benefits limit has been reached without warning. This is a huge red flag that your account has been compromised.
  • And if your account suddenly shows new medical conditions that you don't have, then don’t waste any time contacting your provider and insurance company.

Personal Finances

  • If debt collectors try to collect money that you don't owe, then you may be dealing with a case of stolen identity.
  • The IRS will let you know if anything fishy shows up in your file, such as multiple tax returns filed. This can be a sign that a thief is trying to steal your hard-earned money.
  • Other businesses also may contact you personally if your account has been compromised by a data breach.

  1715 Hits

Travel Tips: How to Cut Commuting Costs

Between the daily drive to the office and the out-of-town work trips, commuting costs can leave a huge dent in your budget. But, it's easier to save money than you think! Here are our best tips and tricks on how to cut commuting costs, so you can get more out of every paycheck. And if you're in the market for a fuel-efficient vehicle or a high-tech bicycle, don’t forget to check out CashMax for our personal loan services.

Top Six Tips

Are you ready to make a few changes to boost your budget? Saving money on commuting costs may be easier than you think!

  • Consider a ridesharing program to cut down on fueling and parking costs. Not only are carpools good for the environment, but they also provide a chance to relax and socialize before the daily grind.
  • Public transportation is an excellent alternative to driving straight to work. Commuters have plenty of options. Drive to the nearest commuter train and ride the rails to work, or head to the nearest city bus stop or subway to avoid the hassles of driving completely.
  • If you love the fresh air, then biking to work may be the perfect option for you. Biking is a fast and efficient way to travel, but cycling is also a wonderful option to work in your daily exercise. Many cities are becoming more and more biker-friendly, so there's never been a better time to dust off the old bicycle.
  • Many workplaces are opening up to telecommuting as a way to save resources. The business benefits from lower building maintenance costs, and the employee benefits from lowered commuting costs. Even a few days of telecommuting per week can cut down on gas, toll costs, and car repairs for the year.
  • If your job offers flexible schedules, then be sure to take advantage. These staggered work times allow employees to schedule their day more creatively, shopping during off-peak hours and picking up the kids from school without conflict.
  • Some jobs offer benefits that employees aren't aware of, so check with your company about transit-related benefits. Transit, vanpool, and parking benefits may be offered tax-free in accordance with federal law. These costs can seriously add up over a year!

  1951 Hits

How to Budget for Child Care

Starting a family can be an exciting period in your life, but the financial stress can put a major damper on this joyful time. Luckily, parents can easily learn how to budget for child care. This small time investment can lead to less stress over bills and more fun with your growing family! Learn more about how to balance your budget, and if you need a little extra cash, contact CashMax for our personal loan services.

How Much Does Child Care Cost?

Brace yourself! American families spend nearly 20 percent of their annual income on child care. That averages to $18,000 every single year! Given the high cost of child care, it's no surprise that a little budgeting can go a long way. Shop around your area and get in contact with different services. From day care centers to au pair agencies, price points can vary quite a bit. Do your research before starting your budget, and don't forget to consider child care tax breaks and flexible spending programs.

How Do I Start my Budget?

Take inventory of all your essentials. Things like mortgage payments, utilities, and child care receive top priority within your budget. But, it's also worth your time to look back on your spending habits from previous years. Do you love to travel? Are you a shopaholic? Cutting a few luxuries can free up a lot of extra money.

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  1693 Hits

Do You Have a Spending Problem?

If you took a snapshot of your bank accounts right now, what would it look like? Some people plan and save for the future while sticking to a budget. Others fly by the seat of their pants and don’t notice any issues until they get REALLY big. So, take a look at your situation and ask yourself, do you have a spending problem?

Credit Cards: A Love-Hate Relationship

Using credit cards is a great way to track your spending, earn loyalty points, and make one payment a month, that is, if you actually pay it in full each month. If you are maxing out your credit cards and can’t pay the balances off, you’re setting yourself up for massive long-term interest costs and a negative credit score. In fact, if you’re only able to make the minimum payments, it adds years and hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in interest charges.

What’s the answer? Stop. Leave your credit cards at home, or better yet, cut them up. Set one aside for emergencies only, and start paying down that debt.

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  1606 Hits

Job Hunting Tips: How to Budget Your Money

When you're on the hunt for your next job, setting a budget may be the last thing that you want to think about. However, a little planning can save a lot of time and stress in the future. If you are interested in learning how to budget your money, read on for some of our best tips and tricks to help you during the job hunt. Stay smart with your money, and you'll get back to the workforce in no time at all.

Examine Your Lifestyle

While luxuries and entertainment can be great fun, these non-essential services can take up a serious chunk of change. Make a list of your essential living costs first. Things like mortgages and rent, food, and transportation should be top priorities in your budget. Then, consider which services you don't need for the time being. Cable television, streaming media, subscription services, and other luxuries may take a backseat while you are on the search for new employment.

Communicate with Creditors

As you carefully budget out your lifestyle essentials, don't forget to factor in bills. No matter what's going on in your life, bills continue to arrive every month. However, a little communication can go a long way. Rather than missing payments without an explanation, get in touch with your creditors. If you speak with creditors directly, you may be able to secure a reduced payment plan or an extension. These minor changes can have a huge effect on your finances.

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  1774 Hits

Helpful Methods for Avoiding Fees

No one wants to deal with irritating bank fees, but most people accept them as a part of the process. But, what if there was a better way? We've compiled a list of tips for avoiding fees, so you can retain more of your hard-earned paycheck.

What Types of Fees do Banks Charge?

Fees are small charges for the customers that add up to big profits for the bank. Here are a few of the most common fees you may encounter:

  • Overdraft fees generated from overdrawing an account
  • ATM fees for out-of-network customers
  • Reoccurring fees to maintain your bank account
  • And many more!

Do All Banks Charge the Same Fees?

Different banks charge different fees, which means that you may receive a better deal if you shop around. Typically, you are likely to find higher fees with a larger bank. Look around town for a smaller institution. Not only are maintenance fees lower on average, but smaller banks are more likely to offer cost-saving perks like free checking. Customers can also look into credit unions and community banks as potentially cost-saving alternatives.

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  2038 Hits

Multi Vehicle Insurance Policy: Great Coverage at a Discount

Many households own more than one car, but between monthly payments and maintenance costs, the cost of ownership can be pretty expensive! If you own more than one vehicle, then a multi vehicle insurance policy may be for you. This handy policy can save drivers money, while providing the excellent coverage that they want. While popular options for businesses, multi vehicle insurance policies are great options for families who share cars as well. Are you curious about how this policy can benefit you? Take a look at our guide to see if you need to make the switch!

What is a Multi Vehicle Insurance Policy?

If you are the only driver in the household, then a standard one-car policy may be all that you need. However, families may struggle to find a cost-effective solution to insure a household full of vehicles, especially when teen drivers are part of the mix. If this scenario sounds familiar, then you may be an ideal candidate for a multi vehicle insurance policy.

Multi vehicle insurance policies benefit both the insurance company and the consumer, which can lead to savings for both. Not only does the company gain extra business from insuring several cars at once, but the consumer often receives a discount on the coverage plan. That means you enjoy the same benefits at one great price.

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  1628 Hits

Tax FAQs: Finding the Right Tax Preparation Services

When searching for tax preparation services, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. Given that one-third of the population utilizes tax experts when filing returns, it's no surprise that the market is flooded with options. However, a little research can lead you to the right match for your particular needs. Just what qualities should you investigate when looking for your new preparer? We've created a quick reference guide for your convenience.

What Credentials are Important?

When you employ a new tax preparer, you should do a little research into their background. Any professional in tax preparation services will have a "Preparer Tax Identification Number", while a volunteer preparer will not. Additionally, it's a good idea to find a preparer with extensive experience in finance. Professionals like Certified Public Accountants, licensed attorneys, and others have the expert knowledge to tackle your returns. Feel free to search through the IRS directory by location to browse through qualified experts in your zip code. This is a quick and easy way to find professionals that are not only certified, but convenient to access as well.

How Should I Compare Prices?

Different tax preparation services may charge wildly different fees, so it's worth your time to shop around. Be skeptical of preparers who charge based on refund amounts. This is an unconventional practice that may be cause for concern. It is standard in the industry to charge by the hour, as more complex taxes may require more extensive paperwork. Also, look for preparers who offer e-filing services. This is a requirement for professionals who file more than 10 returns in a year, and it is a major time-saver as well.

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  1692 Hits

What is a Money Order?

Consumers have tons of different payments options these days, from cash to credit cards and even digital wallets. However, money orders offer several unique advantages that other methods lack. Are you curious to learn just what is a money order? Read on to find out why so many depend on this secure and reliable form of payment.

Preparing a Money Order

When you need to send funds to another party, it's well worth the extra time to purchase a money order. Ranging in price from a few cents to a few dollars, this inexpensive form of payment provides extra peace of mind when moving money. Locations like banks, post offices, credit unions, check-cashing locations, and stores offer this service for your convenience.

Setting up your money order is simple. Just specify the recipient, the amount of money, and provide a signature on the form. Funds are guaranteed by a third party, reducing risks of bounced checks or stolen funds.

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  2213 Hits

Discover How to Save Money on Airfare Costs

Traveling is a wonderful way to see new sights and experience new things, but the costs of travel prevent many from exploring as often as they'd like. CashMax has helpful tips on how to save money on airfare costs, so you can expand your horizons without breaking the bank. Learn more about our tips and tricks, and don't forget to get in touch with us about our personal loan services if you need a little extra cash for your next adventure!

Top Tips for Airfare Savings

Before enjoying a beach vacation or mountain retreat, you need to secure your airfare. You may be surprised to learn how many factors influence the final price of your ticket! Here are our recommendations for flying on a budget:

  • Consider flying during the shoulder season, or the less popular vacationing times. Do a little research about your destination to learn the peak travel season. You can avoid the rush in London by visiting in late fall, and Mexico is lovely in the early spring.
  • Mid-week is a great time for both buying and flying. Airfare sales typically fall on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, so that's a prime time to snatch up a discounted ticket. Stay alert by subscribing to airline newsletters to get first dibs. Tuesdays and Wednesdays are also a smart time to fly, along with Saturdays. Avoid the stress of crowds and take advantage of the reduced rates in one go.
  • Double check the fees that you may encounter during the travel process. Can you check more than one bag? Will you receive a meal on the flight? Do you need to accommodate a pet? Read the airline website for specifics, or call them for personalized recommendations.
  • A flexible travel schedule can lead to big savings. Get on the website and create sample itineraries to find the cheapest deal. You may find that extending your vacation by a day or two will net greater savings. You can also experiment with different departing cities to see what deals are available.
  • After you book your flight, don't let your guard down! Use airfare tracking services to keep an eye on any price drops, and you just may be entitled to a refund. While not all airlines offer this feature, many companies will refund the difference in price. These differences can add up, especially when traveling with a group!

  1814 Hits

Learn How to Save on Medical Bills

Your health is of the utmost importance, but good health doesn't have to come with a sky-high price tag. There are many ways to save on medical bills without compromising quality. CashMax is here to provide the top tips that can help lower your medical costs, so you can put that money toward the things you love. And, if you have already accrued medical debt, then consider contacting us about our personal loan services. We can help get you back on your feet.

Tips and Tricks for Great Health

Are you ready to start saving on medical costs? Peruse our list to find easy solutions that work for you:

  • Sticking with in-network providers is a great way to prevent excess charges. Insurance covers a larger portion of the total bill when you use in-network resources, so try to avoid out of network providers when possible.
  • Do your research before making a commitment to a service. It's perfectly fine to ask your doctor for an estimate of costs, so you can prepare and budget accordingly. Patients can also research the average costs of procedures through third-party health organizations, or get in touch with a healthcare advocate for personalized assistance.
  • Ask your doctor if services are medically necessary. While crucial services are well worth the investment, your doctor may offer alternative options with lower costs. Additionally, you can ask about over-the-counter remedies for mild health conditions.
  • Some doctors offer a little extra flexibility. Consider asking about a discount if you live in a competitive healthcare market, or offer to pay in cash to avoid the paperwork of credit cards.
  • Lower your drug costs by opting for generic prescription drugs or changing your pharmacy. Try big-box retailers or mail order delivery services to get bulk prescriptions at a lower cost.
  • Be mindful of overcharges. Look closely at every medical bill to ensure it is free from errors, and ask for an itemized bill if possible. Check your insurance benefits manual if you have any questions about coverage. Patients can also contact the billing office staff or professional bill reviewers for an in-depth analysis.
  • Communicate with your doctor's office and insurance company to make a plan that is right for you. You may be able to create a payment plan or open a health savings account to manage bills with ease.

  1946 Hits

Smart Budget Tips for Low-Paying Jobs

If you are struggling to save within a limited budget, then you're not alone! Millions of workers find themselves in difficult financial situations every year. However, you can regain control over your finances with just a little planning. CashMax offers top budget tips for low-paying jobs, so hard workers can enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. If you need more assistance, then don't hesitate to contact us online for more personalized attention. We'd be happy to help.

Tips and Tricks to Stretch Your Budget

You can make the most out of every penny of your paycheck with careful budgeting and planning. Follow these money-saving tips and tricks, so you can start saving for the future.

  • When it comes to shopping, be aware of where every dollar goes. Set a budget for food, toiletries, and other reoccurring expenses to avoid spur of the moment splurges. Additionally, try to use cash instead of credit cards to avoid overspending, and don't forget to look for coupons!
  • Look for bargains in used items. From cars to clothing to furniture, thrifty shoppers can find quality goods for a fraction of the cost with a little research.
  • Programmable thermostats can help cut down on utility costs. The small initial investment pays for itself over a year of fluctuating weather conditions.
  • Save money on food costs by avoiding take-out and restaurants. Brew your own coffee instead of going to the local shop, and pack your lunches for work instead of grabbing a burger. These little costs can add up.
  • Get rid of expensive services that you don't need. Lose the landline and cut the cord on cable to free up cash. If possible, you can even save gas money by biking or walking to nearby locations.
  • Finally, look for extra jobs to help make ends meet. Whether you help out your local businesses or working from home with online gigs, there are plenty of opportunities to supplement your income.

  1775 Hits

Learn About the Most Common Teen Online Scams

Today's teens may seem like experts at modern technology, but scam artists can affect even the savviest user. Luckily, staying alert to the latest teen online scams can help prevent catastrophe. If your teen encounters cheap bags and electronics that seem too good to be true, then it's time to sit down and talk about internet safety. CashMax is here to go over the most common online scams that target teens, and feel free to contact us online for more information about our personal loan services.

Most Common Online Scams

A little prevention goes a long way when it comes to avoiding scammers. Do your research on any company that contacts your teen, and you'll stay safe against potential predators online.

Here are some of the most common scams to keep in mind:

  • If your teen encounters luxury goods at a shockingly great price, be wary. Some websites take the money and leave you with nothing. From iPhones to clothing to electronics, scammers will latch on to the newest crazes in attempt to lure potential victims.
  • False auctions are also a common fraud tactic. Teens provide personal information and money in exchange for fantastic prizes, but these prizes never arrive.
  • Creative teens may enter contests online to engage a larger audience, but it's important to look behind the curtain. Some scam artists promise to publish works of art and literature in exchange for money.
  • Be cautious of free cell phone offers as well. Some scammers offer "free" ringtones, wallpaper, and other personalization that carry a hidden fee that appears on your phone bill.
  • College-bound students should watch out for fake scholarships and grants that may steal your personal information. Students should also question anyone who offers debt reduction services for money.

  1815 Hits

Discover How to Sell a Used Car for the Best Price

When selling your used car, you want to earn every dollar that you can. However, many find themselves settling for less after feeling frustrated with the selling process. The good news is that CashMax has all the tips you need, so you can learn how to sell a used car for the best price possible. Learn all about the effective strategies of top salesmen, and don't forget to contact CashMax about our personal loan services to secure your next dream car!

Preparing for a Successful Sale

Anyone can get a great payout from a used vehicle with proper planning. Before putting your ad online, do a little prep work to make your car more attractive to potential buyers. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Research average asking prices for similar cars in your area. Factors like regional demand, car condition, and upgrades can greatly affect the price point. Be sure to set a reasonable price that customers will accept.
  • If your car isn't quite mint condition, there's no need to bend the truth. Be honest with customers and price your vehicle accordingly. It's better to move a car at a fair price than to deal with an overpriced vehicle that just won't sell.
  • Minor repairs may be worth the small investment. Make sure that the lights are in great condition, and consider fixing dents and cracks to appeal to customers.
  • Don't hide information from potential buyers. While you may feel tempted to leave out the mileage or autocheck summary, buyers are more likely to trust a vehicle that they can research. Provide the vehicle identification number (VIN) so potential customers can do their homework.
  • A picture is worth a thousand words, and it can be worth serious money as well! Present your car in the best light by providing several, high-quality photographs of the interior and exterior. Don't forget to hit the carwash before your photoshoot!
  • Preparation is key when it comes to successful car sales. Keep your bill of sales and liability release close when a customer checks out the vehicle. If you can make the process as convenient as possible, buyers may be persuaded to seal the deal!

  1523 Hits

Learn What to Do if Your Email is Hacked

While millions of people rely on the convenience of email for personal and business use, hackers often target these services to retrieve vulnerable information from under our noses. Security issues can affect nearly anyone, so it's important to know what to do if your email is hacked. CashMax is here to guide you through the process of taking back your account, so you can avoid a repeat incident in the future. Find out more about staying safe online, and then get in touch with us about our personal loan services.

How to Secure Your Account

After you've been hacked, you may feel overwhelmed by the aftermath. However, many users have dealt with this scenario successfully and emerged with even greater knowledge of email safety. Follow this step-by-step guide to prevent damage and secure your account for the future.

  • Get in touch with the email provider to regain control over your account, and be sure to report the hacking incident to protect others. Your provider can offer in-depth information about process of reactivating your account, as well as personalized advice about the steps moving forward.
  • Strong passwords are the first step to security, so make sure to change your email password to something strong. Avoid obvious passwords that involve personal indicators like your birthday, kids' names, and others. Consider changing your security questions as well, and changing passwords on other sites linked to your email.
  • Warn friends, family, and other members of your contact list that you have been hacked. They may be vulnerable to attacks as well, so it's important to spread the word.
  • Update and scan your computer with an anti-virus or anti-malware program. These programs help ensure that all threats have been removed.
  • Double check your privacy settings to ensure that you receive the protection that you need. Make sure that hackers left nothing behind, especially within your email signature.
  • Scan your account for private information that hackers may have stolen, like bank logins or insurance information. Contact those companies to ensure that nothing has been altered since the hack.
  • Keep an eye on your credit score and monitor your bank account for any suspicious activity. You can even freeze your credit temporarily to ensure that hackers don't put extravagant charges in your name.

  1822 Hits

Stay Prepared for the Hidden Costs of Moving

Even the most well-prepared movers may find themselves overwhelmed by the hidden costs of moving. These unexpected fees can add up quickly, leaving you in a state of total panic on moving day. Luckily, CashMax offers a financial safety net to those who find themselves struggling during the moving process. Contact CashMax online for more information about the different loan options that can help you transition smoothly!

Unexpected Expenses

While relocating from place to place is expensive enough, many movers forget about the little things. Here are just a few of the many hidden costs of moving that you may need to consider when budgeting for a big move:

  • If you are moving from state to state, investigate the car insurance rates. You may find your normal coverage changes when moving to a new location. Also, it's important to factor in parking costs. Be sure to see whether parking is included in your new home, or whether you need to pay an additional fee.
  • Your health insurance rates can also change drastically from one location to the other, especially if your previous insurer is not provided in your new state. Compare the different insurers carefully, or think about hiring an independent broker for expert help.
  • Utility costs may also differ in your new home. If you are renting, then ask your landlord how the costs are divided among the tenants. This allows you to prepare and budget for your new rent more effectively.
  • Think again before closing out all your accounts. While you want to pay off your debts before moving, closing all your credit lines may hurt your credit score. Consider your total available credit before making any decisions. Further, keep your old bank account open for a few extra months to avoid overdraft fees.
  • Take inventory of memberships like gyms, recreation centers, childcare facilities, and other organizations with a monthly or annual contract. You may have to pay a fee to cancel your membership, and you may have to provide documentation of the move.
  • In the shuffle of moving, you may lose track of bills in the mail and get hit with late fees. Switching to a paperless, online bill paying system can help mitigate these issues.
  • After considering all of the hidden costs of moving, don't forget about your security deposit! Be sure to ask your landlord about the collection process, and don't be afraid to seek out legal help if your tenant's rights are not being honored.

  1576 Hits

Paying Back Student Loans While Living the Life You Want

Are you fresh out of college and embarking on a new, exciting job? Getting that first real paycheck and living on your own can give you a huge boost of confidence, until those student loan bills arrive in your mailbox. Don’t panic. Paying back student loans while still living the life you want to live is possible. Here’s how:

Check Your Repayment Plan

If you’re totally overwhelmed by your monthly payment, contact the servicer on your federal student loan to see if you can switch to an income-driven student loan repayment plan. This helps you lower monthly payments, while avoiding missing bills and accruing additional interest charges. But, if you can, stick with the standard 10-year repayment plan. This plan charges the least amount of interest and sucks the least amount of time out of your life. If you’re able to put more money toward the principal, by all means, do!

Budget and Prioritize

First, you should lay out your budget. Begin with your student loan payment, rent, and other necessities like transportation and utilities. Prioritize the things that are important to you. If you love to travel, save money by living with several roommates to cut costs. Look at smaller expenses and see what you can eliminate. Look at your monthly recurring bills in particular: the gym, Netflix, and all those little charges that hit your credit card. Try living without them, or at least negotiating new deals with the providers.

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  1745 Hits

Take it Slow: Financial Help for Widows

No one is ever ready for the loss of a spouse, and when it happens, the hard reality of dealing with money comes along with the intense grief. Financial help for widows should come only from trusted sources, so remember, go slow and be cautious.

Six Important Pieces of Advice

  1. Get organized – If you were already handling bills and other financial matters, you’re fortunate. You’re already up to speed on what’s going on. If not, the first thing you should do is tackle all the files and paperwork. Use an accordion file, three-ring binders, or whatever filing system works for you to set up a system for managing information.

  2. Pay the bills – It’s easy to feel overwhelmed as you try to locate account passwords and understand your household bills, so enlist the help of your children or close friends. Focus on setting up a system for paying your bills automatically and on time. Make sure you have funds to cover your immediate needs. If you’re in an urgent cash crunch, a resource like CashMax can help you with short-term loans and other services.

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  1698 Hits

What to Do After a Car Accident

Nobody plans to be involved in a car accident, but when it happens, it can quickly become one of life’s most stressful experiences. In the immediate aftermath of a collision, things happen fast and the details can become blurry. You may also feel at a loss about what to do after a car accident. Take a look at our post-accident checklist and, the next time a collision happens, you can avoid some common mistakes and come out in better shape.

At the Scene

  1. Safety First: When a collision has occurred, attend to safety matters. If the vehicles are drivable, get them off the road and out of traffic by pulling to the shoulder or into a parking lot. If they aren’t drivable, turn on any operable emergency flashers and put out cones, reflective triangles, and/or flares, if you have them, to warn approaching drivers to slow down. Ascertain whether anyone is injured; if they are or think they might be, make sure 911 is called right away.

  2. Make the Call: If the accident is serious, you most definitely want officers on the scene. Even if your accident was minor, it’s a good idea to call authorities so that a police report is filed. Some cities won’t dispatch officers to a crash if the incident wasn’t serious; if that is the case, you’ll have to file your own report with local authorities, which leads us to…

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  1884 Hits

The Real Cost of Raising a Child

As new parents become caught up in the love and enjoyment of having a baby as well as the stresses and lifestyle changes, ­­the cost of raising a child also begins to quickly make itself felt.

The exact cost of raising a child from birth to adulthood is something the U.S. Department of Agriculture has spent decades trying to pinpoint. The USDA released its latest data in 2013, revealing some interesting spending changes that have taken place for parents over the last 50 years or so.

Child-Rearing Price Tag

As of 2013, the USDA has found that, on average, middle-income families composed of two parents and up to five kids will spend $245,340 raising a child from birth to age 18. For low-income households, that number drops to $176,550. For high-income households, the cost rises to an average of $407,820 per child.

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  1606 Hits

Managing Finances After Losing a Job

When you find yourself dealing with job loss, it can be a very stressful time as you seek new employment and figure out how to cope financially in the meantime. Along your road to re-employment, there are some things you can do to lessen the financial blow.

1 – Assess the Situation

Taking stock of your finances is the first natural step when you’ve lost a job. The initial shock and stress can make things seem worse than they really are, so examine where you are at financially. Assess your monthly expenses and what it’s going to take for you to survive until you’ve found a new job. Consider savings accounts, investments that can be easily liquidated, lines of credit, home equity, and nonessential valuables that can be sold or pawned. Many creditors will also work with you when you experience hardships like a job loss and will allow you to skip payments. A lending company like CashMax Title & Loan can also be of help to provide you with extra cash while you’re getting back on your feet.

2 – Take Advantage of Unemployment Benefits

Many people mistakenly equate filing for unemployment with applying for welfare. Collecting unemployment is in no way the same thing as taking a government handout. You have earned that unemployment cushion, and you’d be foolish not to utilize it during your period of joblessness. Collecting unemployment achieves two things: It gives you a weekly income, albeit smaller than what you were earning at your job, to help you get by while you hunt for employment; and it also helps motivate you in your job search, as you have to apply for a certain number of jobs each week in order to remain eligible. And don’t assume you won’t qualify to receive unemployment. Even if you’ve been fired from a job, you may still be approved to receive those benefits, so apply!

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  1643 Hits

How Traffic Violations Increase Insurance

Most people don’t leave their homes thinking, “I’m going to drive poorly today.” But as life happens over the course of your day, you may find yourself at the receiving end of a traffic violation, which can mean court appearances, expensive fines, and even a suspended driver’s license if you’re a repeat offender. Whether your traffic violation was true negligence or just an accident, getting that ticket can also mean a car insurance increase. If you are in a tough financial situation following a traffic violation, CashMax offers short-term financial solutions that may help.

Rate Hikes

We’ve explored some of the ways in which receiving a traffic violation can affect your auto insurance rates. To put it simply, the more insurance companies view you as an unsafe driver, the more you are likely to pay for your insurance. But, specifically, the following factors can affect how much your insurance is impacted by a traffic violation:

  • Frequency: When you’ve received a lot of traffic tickets, insurance companies will typically see you as a liability and as someone who is more likely to be involved in an auto accident. The consequence of that is that you will pay more for your insurance than someone with a clean driving record.
  • Severity: The impact a traffic violation will have on your insurance depends on the severity of the infraction. Being cited for something more minor, like traveling 5 miles over the speed limit, will likely have little—or even no—impact on your insurance rate, particularly if it’s the first ticket you’ve had in a long time. However, being cited for, say, traveling 30 miles per hour over the speed limit is much more extreme and can have more severe repercussions. An even more serious violation, like a DUI or vehicular manslaughter, will have dire consequences—both legally and in terms of your insurance costs.
  • Location: Many people mistakenly think that receiving a traffic violation in another state won’t affect their car insurance, but that isn’t necessarily true. Before you engage in any risky driving behaviors while on vacation, bear in mind that most states take part in an interstate information sharing program that reports citations and moving violations. So, odds are good that the speeding ticket or DUI violation you received during spring break is going to follow you home and end up on your driving record—which means your insurance provider will likely find out about it and may adjust your premium accordingly.

  1500 Hits

Best Online Shopping Tips

As the holiday season approaches once again, millions of consumers will be turning to the Internet as a convenient way to do their holiday shopping and purchase gifts. As you prepare to head into the cyber world armed with your credit card, take heed of some of these online shopping tips to ensure your holiday spending is safe and secure.

Use Secure Sites

Check for SSL (secure sockets layer) encryption before you shop on any website. Sites with SSL will show HTTPS:// in the address bar instead of HTTP://, and there will also be a padlock icon.

Stick to the Familiar

Shop on familiar, trusted websites that you know are legitimate, like or the official website of a major retailer, like Walmart or Barnes & Noble. When navigating to one of these major sites, make sure you are on the official website. Misspelled words and the use of domains like .net instead of .com are indicators that you could be on a copycat site, so watch out for that. You can also download the official apps for major retailers and do your shopping that way.

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  1838 Hits

Addressing Financial Challenges With Elderly Parents

When the people who raised you are suddenly the ones that need taking care of, it can be uncomfortable to broach certain subjects with them. Discussing financial challenges with elderly parents, for instance, can be particularly riddled with conversational land mines. The last thing an aging mother or father wants to hear, after all, is that they’ve become incapable of managing their money and of living independently.

Egos can become tender when discussing the transference of financial responsibility with an aging parent. Having these conversations is nevertheless very important. When a parent starts falling victim to dementia or other conditions related to old age, you may suddenly find you’ve waited too long to set the framework for taking over their finances. If you don’t have the legal power, the necessary documentation, and the information to begin overseeing your parent’s finances, you and your siblings could quickly find yourselves scrambling and panicking.

Advance Preparation

When you approach parents about their finances, it may take more than one conversation to make progress. It may also require kid gloves.

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  1540 Hits

The Emotional Impact of Debt

Like a bad habit, debt is something that is easy to acquire but painstakingly difficult to get rid of.

People can end up finding themselves shackled by debt for a variety of reasons. A “buy now, worry later” attitude can lead someone to frivolously amass debt as they make spur-of-the-moment and unnecessary purchases. Debt can also be accumulated out of necessity, such as to survive a sudden job loss or medical emergency.

Whatever the reason for the existence of debt in a person’s life, the emotional impacts of debt can be devastating and long-lasting.

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  1656 Hits

Budget Tips for New Parents

If you’re about to embark on the life-changing journey of parenthood, you’re likely feeling a bit overwhelmed by all there is to learn and prepare for. There is no doubt that having a child is expensive, and budget concerns can be one of the key things that get new parents keyed up as they begin caring for a baby. By following these helpful budget tips for new parents, rookie moms and dads can get a handle on their finances and save their focus for what really matters: that new little bundle of joy!

Charting New Financial Waters

When it comes to spending, new parents can no longer put fun and luxuries at the top of their lists. Extra cash that once went to pleasure shopping, going out with friends, and eating out must now be used for diapers, daycare, and a hundred other things that were never on your radar before a new baby came along. As new moms and dads adjust their spending habits to meet a baby’s needs, the following tips can greatly help.

  • Stay United: Financial priorities change rapidly once a child enters the picture, and spouses and partners should set financial goals together and regularly discuss and prioritize these goals. A desire to save up for a down payment on a house or feeling the urgent need to start a college fund for Baby can have you stretching your dollars too thin before you know it. Prioritize the needs that are most important and do only what you comfortably can. This will likely mean setting aside less important financial goals for now in favor of the more immediately necessary ones.
  • Find Creative Solutions: There are many ways new parents can save money and better stay afloat as they adjust to the costs of having a baby. For instance, to stave off the often astronomical costs of childcare, one parent may elect to stay at home while the other works. A move like this will likely mean tightening the belt as you move to a one-income lifestyle, but creative budget cuts can help there, as well.
  • Take Stock: Make a detailed list of where your money is going and find and eliminate the unnecessary fund drains. You may be surprised to learn just how many unnecessary expenditures are depleting your checking account. For example, paying for a premium cable TV package when a less expensive and more basic one will do; regularly ordering costly takeout rather than cooking at home; buying name brand products when a generic would do just as well. Saving a little in a lot of places will add up fast.
  • Build Up Your Savings: Parents should absolutely have emergency funds in reserve to protect against unforeseen occurrences, like job losses or medical emergencies. If you make a regular habit of setting aside a small percentage of each paycheck, even just five or 10 percent, it will build up quickly. Setting up an auto-deposit is a good way to do this. If the money is safely in savings, you won’t figure it into your monthly spending funds and it will remain safely in your savings account for a rainy day.

  1871 Hits

How to Keep Your Internet Identity Secure

We are living in a virtual world, and you are a virtual girl…or boy. While today’s world citizens enjoy unprecedented conveniences thanks to the World Wide Web, we also experience unparalleled risks in terms of identity theft and vulnerability of key information. So, how can you keep your Internet identity secure? The experts have some important answers.

Create a Virtual Fort Knox

While no solution is failsafe when it comes to protecting your identity and your financial world on the Internet, there are some things you can do to make it dang hard for would-be thieves to get their grubby virtual paws on your data.

  • Toughen Up Those Passwords – If you’re one of the guilty many who use the same password for everything, it is bad move No. 1 in the world of virtual identity protection. Use different passwords for each website and make them complicated. Randomly using uppercase letters within your passwords, intentionally misspelling words, or just plain creating a nonsense mishmash of letters and numbers are great strategies for keeping hackers at bay.
  • Put Some Armor on Your Security Questions, too – Password-toughening tips can also be applied to your security question answers. Use bad grammar that would make your high school English teacher blush! Throw in random numbers where letters should be; misspell things to your heart’s content; or, once again, just put plain nonsense in there rather than an answer that makes logical sense with the question.
  • Use Secure Sites – Use https sites when you get online, especially if you’re connecting to the Internet through public Wi-Fi. Most of the Internet biggies (Yahoo, Google, Facebook) have secure connections that will encrypt your data while you’re using them.
  • Use Two-Step Authentication- If websites you frequently login into offer the option of a two-step sign-in, do it. Is it inconvenient? You betcha. But two login points make it twice as hard for hackers to break into your account.
  • Get Notified – Another option you should utilize whenever it’s available is receiving login notifications to alert you to suspicious activity, like an unfamiliar IP address gaining access to one of your accounts. A quick text message from Facebook, Gmail, etc., can help you nip a hack in the bud before it blossoms into a full-grown breach.

There is not currently a cure-all for identity theft, but taking measures like these can certainly throw a monkey wrench into a cyber thief’s evil plot.

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  1966 Hits

How to Start an Emergency Fund

Unexpected expenses like car repairs and medical bills always come up. In fact, you can plan for emergency expenses simply by the fact that you can count on them happening. We’ll show you how to start an emergency fund to protect yourself from going into debt and paying high interest rates. It’s really not as hard as you think:

  • Create a Budget – If you’re not already tracking how much money comes in and goes out each month, now is the time to start. Include all household expenses – rent or mortgage, utilities, car payments, insurance, etc. Look at your bank statements to see how much you spend on groceries, eating out, and other things. Add a line item for your emergency fund, and set aside as much as you can. It may be $10 or $100 a month, but either way, it’s going to add up!
  • What is Your Goal? – A good rule of thumb is to have three to six months of basic living expenses set aside as a cushion. You never know when a sudden job change or layoff might happen, and it’s a lot less stressful if you have money in the bank. Set a goal with a specific dollar amount and deadline to get there.
  • Make a Roadmap – Break your goal down into small, achievable chunks. For example, maybe you want to put $250 a month aside for the next six months for your emergency fund while you pay down debt at the same time. Then, when you have more money available, you can update your roadmap to plan for setting aside $750 a month until you reach your target. You might want to pick up extra work to earn money for the fund.
  • Accessible at a Moment’s Notice – Keep your emergency savings in an account that you can access quickly without paying a penalty, like a checking or savings account. If you choose to invest in a mutual fund, money market fund, or certificate of deposit, be sure you understand how to access those funds when you need them.
  • Stick With It – Have the will power to keep your emergency fund separate from your other money, and don’t dip into it unless it’s an emergency. It’s easier to stay on track if you make sure your goals are reasonable and that you’ve budgeted well, so you don’t want to borrow from it. Setting up automatic transfers is a simple way to make sure you stick with the plan.

If You Need a Loan

If you find yourself stuck and your emergency funds just won’t cut it, CashMax is here. Our payday and title loans are just what you need in difficult financial situations. Safe, quick, and easy!

  1627 Hits

Simple Money Tips for Young Couples

Young couples often struggle with finances, but now is the time to take control. These money tips for young couples will help empower you for the future:

The Dreaded Budget

  • Create a budget – Software and apps like and Quicken can give you a clear picture of your income and expenses, or you can simply write everything down. Include categories for whatever typically blows your paycheck, and give yourself the freedom to spend a set amount. Don’t forget to pay yourself first, with a line item for your savings account.
  • Cut costs creatively – Find ways to cut costs. Switching from traditional cable television to a web streaming device like Roku with Amazon Prime and Netflix can save big bucks. Websites like Groupon, Living Social, and Woot have great deals for restaurants and other things. But only purchase what you need or know you’ll enjoy. Use thrift shops and eBay to buy clothing and baby items at massive discounts, and then donate or resell them when you’re finished. Costco, Sam’s Club, and Amazon also offer big savings, and not just on bulk items.

Yes, You Can Still Have Fun

  • Free is key – Look around you for a wealth of free and inexpensive activities. Hiking, picnicking, biking, and hanging out at the beach or in the mountains are just a few ideas. Check out your city’s website to learn about free concerts, art festivals, and community events.
  • Skip the airfare – Groupon and Living Social come in handy for weekend getaways, too. There are many deals out there for short stays at local resorts, so it’s easy to just jump in your car. Try the Hotel Tonight app for deeply discounted last-minute specials.

Invest for the Future

  • Keep your credit clean – Your credit score will be high if you don’t have too many open lines of credit and pay your bills in full and on time. Set up a realistic payment plan for student loans, or defer them or have them forgiven if necessary
  • Savings on steroids – Maximize whatever you can save in your company’s 401(k) so your company can match it. That savings will grow exponentially, and you have a big advantage because you’re starting young. Also, take a look at setting up an IRA, another safe investment vehicle, or investing in stocks, no-load mutual funds, or other types of funds.
  • College savings plans – 529 plans are excellent investment vehicles for saving for college. They are super-conservative, and only your child can receive the funds. These plans can vary from state to state, but they are available through any brokerage firm, such as Fidelity Investments.
  • Buy a house – If you know you’ll be in the same place for more than five years, buying a house may be a good investment for you. Interest rates are low, and there are options for first-time home buyers like Federal Housing Administration (FHA) loans and Economic Opportunity Mortgages (EOM.)

CashMax Can Help

The truth is that implementing these money tips for young couples is a liberating experience. Taking control of your financial future frees you from debt and the stress of unpaid bills. CashMax can help with loans and other financial assistance.

  1740 Hits

How Age Affects Car Insurance

Did you know that your age can affect much more than just your ability to retire or purchase alcohol? Your age can also have a big impact on your auto insurance premiums and how much you have to pay.

How age affects car insurance depends on how young or old you are. Teenagers/young adults and senior citizens tend to pay more for their car insurance because people in these age groups have been found to be riskier drivers.

Since drivers under 25 or over 65 are statistically much more likely to be involved in automobile accidents and engage in risky driving behaviors, these drivers are resultantly charged more by insurance companies.

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  1836 Hits

How to Become Debt Free

In our world of instant gratification and “buy now, pay later,” debt has become a chronic problem for many consumers. It’s far too easy to rack up a mountain of debt—and can be far too difficult to get out from underneath it. However, “difficult” is not the same as “impossible,” and there are steps individuals can start taking now to end their frivolous spending and begin working toward freedom from debt.

If you’re ready to learn how to become debt free, then keep reading!

Sit down right now, today, and take honest stock of your debts, your bills, and your income.

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  2498 Hits

Money Management for Kids

Habits are hard to break—so help your children form good financial habits now that will stay with them throughout their lives.

Lessons in money management for kids can be started very early. Even when children are small, important principles can be taught in ways they can understand and retain. Keep reading to find out more!

Financial Lessons—Good and Bad—Start Early

According to experts, kids as young as 3 are capable of understanding financial concepts, such as spending and saving. If that statistic doesn’t spur parents into action, then this one might: studies show that financial habits are formed as early as age 7.

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  1985 Hits

Getting By With a Single Parent Family Budget

Raising kids alone isn’t easy—but it can be done. Whether you’re widowed, divorced, or raising children alone for other reasons, you can get your finances on track with a single parent family budget.

Going from two incomes to one can be a shock to the system. Perhaps your significant other was the one who always worked. Whatever your personal circumstances, having a child in tow as you sort things out can be daunting—and there can be many financial stresses. But keep your chin up—you can get on top of things and work toward financial health. Below are some tips that will help you get started.

Create a Budget and Stick to It

If your significant other was the one who took care of finances, then you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed as you begin tackling the task yourself. The most important thing you can do is take honest stock of your finances and expenses and create a realistic budget. Make a list of all your bills, calculate how much they are, and know when they are due each month. After that, list your income and figure out which bills need to be paid with which paycheck. If you get paid twice a month, for instance, then divide your bills into two sections—one for each paycheck.

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  2021 Hits

The Latest Tax Scams and How to Avoid Them

Even the savviest consumer may fall victim to sophisticated tax scams. Luckily, you can stay alert to the latest cons in order to avoid financial losses. CashMax has assembled a list of some of the most recent schemes to protect you and your wallet from con artists.

Email Scams

Many scam artists utilize email to seek out personal information through a practice known as "phishing." Though these emails may appear legitimate, be cautious! Some emails contain links to viruses and malware that can harm your security. Here are some tax scams to look out for:

  • Taxpayer Advocacy Groups: Scam artists may pose as real organizations, like the Taxpayer Advocacy Panel, in unsolicited emails. However, the actual panel will not ask for your personal information.
  • W-2 Scams: Human Resource departments should be cautious of false emails from executives who request Social Security numbers from employees. Be sure to double check with personnel and alert the IRS if you encounter such a scam.
  • False Updates: If you receive an email to update your IRS e-file, then do not click on the links. The IRS will not contact you for personal or financial information through emails.

Telephone Scams

Scammers may also contact you through the phone to request personal information. While many scam artists used aggressive methods in the past, modern tactics may be more subtle. Here are some of the latest scams that have been reported:

  • Tax Refunds: Scam artists may promise a tax refund, but ask to verify personal information through the phone. Avoid giving out credit cards and Social Security numbers to unknown callers.
  • IRS Impersonators: Be wary if anyone calls requesting immediate payment, such as prepaid cards and wire transfers. Callers may provide names and badge numbers, but true IRS agents will never make threats or demands. True IRS agents will also mail a bill to the taxpayer and provide opportunity for appeals.

  2143 Hits