If you're college-bound, you've probably got a lot on your mind! From classes to campus to tuition, this exciting time can feel overwhelming at times. And the top concern of upcoming freshman? Money. If you're searching for college funding, then you've probably perused the financial aid resources at your school. While there are a ton of terrific options for savvy students, it's important to keep an eye out for scholarship and financial aid scams. In this guide, we'll explain some of the most common scams around today.

The Language of the Scammer

Thief robbing money

As you've learned in English, a simple sentence can reveal a great deal about the author's intent. Use those analytical skills while scanning through your potential scholarships. If you see any of these phrases, be cautious!

Financial Aid Seminars

You may have seen advertisements for financial aid seminars to help students get an extra edge when applying for financial aid. While some seminars may be legitimate, others are not. How can you tell the difference? Do a little research. Talk to your guidance counselor or financial aid advisor to see if the organization is legitimate. Your school has your best interest in mind, so they won't lead you astray!

Additionally, watch out for any seminar that feels more like a sales pitch than an information session. Don't bother spending the money on a hefty entrance fee. You can find tons of solid advice for free! Also, be wary of organizations that give vague or evasive responses to your questions. Reputable companies know that students have a lot of questions, and they'll be more than happy to answer each one!

Better Opportunities

Though the many scholarship and financial aid scams may leave you feeling stressed, there's no need to panic! You can find tons of quality information from your school and even online. Check out some of the best resources for students:

Finally, don't forget about local resources for options like personal loans.