March Savings

As winter draws to a close, March brings warmer weather and a new set of financial tasks. We’re here with some pointers. These are a few areas to cover now that 2024 is well underway. 

Financial Spring Cleaning List

Spend Your Remaining FSA Funds: If you have a Flexible Spending Account through your employer, many workers actually have a “grace period” through March 15 to spend that money. Since these accounts typically have a “use it or lose it” policy, this is a great time to make sure you have spent what you have contributed. Don’t have time to make a doctor’s appointment? There are often eligible items you can buy using FSA accounts including, but not limited to: sunscreen, feminine products, over-the-counter medications, and medical equipment.

Sign Up for the IRS’s Direct File Pilot Program: Texas is one of the first 12 states participating in the new free pilot program for qualifying taxpayers. This option covers federal returns. It also only covers certain tax forms during this testing phase (specifically: W-2, 10-99-G, SSA-1099, and/or 1099-INT). You can find eligible criteria on the Direct File website through

Clean Up Financial Paperwork: Finishing your tax filing is also a great opportunity to shred papers you no longer need or organize those that you’ll want to keep. Once you’re rid of the unnecessary paper files, do the same with those on your computer or phone. Your digital space can become just as cluttered. While you’re at it, deactivate website accounts you no longer frequent. This will help reduce chances of your information being exposed should one of those companies get hacked.

Plan for a Smaller Refund: During the initial rounds of tax filing, the average taxpayer received a refund that was 8.4 percent less than last year, according to IRS data. If you need extra cash to bridge the gap while you wait for your refund, visit a friendly CashMax store near you. We love our clients and love meeting new customers. If you need extra cash to bridge the gap while you wait for your refund, visit a friendly CashMax store near you. We love our clients and love meeting new customers. 

1. Get pre-approved for a cash advance or title loan over the phone from one of our knowledgeable associates.

2. You can start the process of getting a cash advance or title loan online

3. CashMax has 36 convenient locations in Texas to serve you: